Paul I think it's a great trailer and I don't want to offend because I know we've discussed before but I can't remember exactly, but what was your relationship with Charity before this movie? Or even the idea, because I believe you've been evolving/ working on this a long time.
The reason I ask is because with this type of film, especially the way you set it up as an even ground type movie that is just trying to say both sides, to let your impartial bias show through. I know you have some really strong feelings on this subject imparticular, so I was just wondering if you would give a little full disclosure and catch me up on the background of how you got involved. To me, I just don't know if I could be balanced on a topic I am so passionate about. And yet you have to be passionate about it to do a good job. I'm actually interested in seeing the long form of this video to see how well you were able to tell both sides of this story (as I believe it is your intention? I may be wrong.) I just have a hard time believing and through no fault of yours, that this movie or any movie with as powerful of topic, can be made in a way that isn't going to have some sort of bias exhibited through the lens to the viewer.
And like I said I'm not saying it's wrong or bad, as I"m not sure I"ve seen any movie/doc be able to do it completely well, they all seem to have some sort of agenda. I think we had a thread about it already but I was too lazy to dig it up so if you wouldn't mind indulging me I'd appreciate it.