The shoe company has nothing to do with it. And LOL at Addidas wanting Howard to forgo a chance in a top media market to go play in Dallas, which isn't even the largest television market in its state.
I also don't understand why people think the Bulls should just give up trying to pursue Dwight Howard. Is it because some of the arguments against it made no sense then, and, watching the Bulls, make even less sense now? 4 Noahs don't add up to a Howard. Neither does Noah and Deng. Howard is better and has more impact on a team than both of those players combined.
Remember why Kobe brought up Chicago when he was discontent with LA. Its because a few summers prior, Reinsdorf and Paxson made the decision to hold a private meeting with Kobe. It was supposed to be just the Lakers and Clippers. But the Bulls made an aggressive push, and Kobe was flattered and appreciative and spoke of it at the press conference when he signed the new deal.
You can't accuse Pax of doing nothing or not doing enough, than criticize his trying to beat Miami by making a huge move. I have no problem with what Pax is doing.