Trust me on this: a US sub did not test launch a trident missile or any other kind of prototype. RK, I am going to go to work today and research what you said...remember this though, something like that is going to get that kind of response until it's answered. You and I have never had any issues before (that I am aware of) but I got to admit, the first comment you made about the "Buddy in San Diego", illicted a very loud big fucking deal from me. I know a metric ass-ton of people in Sandog myself, who have their finger on the pulse too. As far as the Kitty hawk and the chinky boat, they only gave you only part of the whole episode.
We've all watched the shuttle launched on tv (or in person), many contrails or plumes of smoke does it leave?? Remember this, it uses two booster rockets and its main engines for launch. Correct me if I am wrong but it leaves one large contrail or plume of smoke. You can also go online and look up pictures of jet liners (as I hear strands of Steve Miller in the background) leaving one or more huge contrails behind them.
Believe conspiracy or cover-up all you want, I still am not sure about anything other than it wasnt ours from the get go, and that there is no way a foreign boat can get that close and launch an ICBM............some cold war tactics are still in employ.