Some people shouldn't have kids. This just reinforces that sentinment. My daughters are 15 and 13. They go to school with some **** ups, assholes, disrespectful little fucks, and some downright sadistic, sociopathic little mother *******. In EVERY case, you can look at the parenting as one of the direct contributing factors towards their behavior. The parents are typically absent, apathetic towards their behavior, or total **** ups themselves. It's amazing how shitty some people are at raising their children. These little mother ******* have no respect for anyone, or anything. I don't buy the "they are children" bullshit excuse. Nothing about this behavior is "normal". I can't believe the total lack of respect here for someone that is their grandmother's age... Then there's the massive amounts of cruelty, and total lack of remorse or compassion. The woman is in tears and it doesn't phaes them in the least. If you don't see some serious mental issues from this behavior, I'm not sure what to tell you. Kids that are this cruel, at that young of an age, are the ones that end up raping/killing/assaulting people later in life. My five year old knows better than to behave like this. The scary part is, there are a LOT of kids like this out there. If you aren't prepared to DISCIPLINE your children, and instill morals and respect into them, keep your dick in your pants and your legs closed. Their parents will be "outraged" only because it went public. Otherwise they would just continue to breeze through parenthood with their eyes closed and their hands in their pockets like the fucking idiots they are.
The truth on the matter on raising kids is somewhere in between the extremes in this thread. You can't be beating the shit out of your kids when they **** up, but on the other hand, your kids better damn well respect you and know that if they **** up, they are going to pay for it. One of the biggest problems today is parents that spoil the living shit out of their kids, let them get away with anything, and cover for their mistakes. The end result is kids like this that fear no repurcussions from their actions.