When Theo got here, he said develop position players, buy pitching. That was his construction. Now he is in a media war with the manager he could have let go after falling on our face last year.
To me this is like Bowman and Quenville having a pissing contest and the entire locker room getting wet.
Wherever Theo starts, you might as well build a monument to him for what he did. But you really dig into both the boston side and this side, it always boils down to how does he sustain it. Look at the choices in boston, Drew, Crawford, Ramirez. Boston was anchored by those bad deals just like the cubs are now with Yu over Jake, Shitwood, Morrow, and to a part, needing to spend 40 million more on Hamels because of the bad choce of YU over Arrieta, and of course 182 million dollar defender Heyward.
Fine, he HAD to get Chapman for the world series, giving up a superstar in Torreyes. But then resign Chapman for christs sake. That was the one moment the Yankees just shit down his throat, knowing they were not making a run and knowing Chapman was coming back. I wont put all of Chapman not resigning on Theo, since Maddon basically used him like a singapore whore in the playoffs, but you want to talk construction
Lester, Zobrist and Chapman, done 3 seasons ago is what everyone defends Theo with. Its what has he done lately that drowns Theo, and there is history to bad bad choices. How would this team look with Torreyes, Jimininez, Cease, you know, the montra of develop talent and buy pitching.
I dont think Boston fought too hard to keep Theo, and being the guy that broke TWO CURSES was far too much for him to pass up, but that is Theo, curse breaker and not sustained championships. Maybe its time Theo went to Cleveland.
Yeah, go ahead bash, say, its easy to say hindsight has 20/20 vision, but when your best decisions were made three years ago and now you are paying for bad ones without the talent you gave up, there seems to be a valid argument while we wait for bad contracts to expire.