The no show superstars of Hossbag, Toews, Kane, Sharp.
No goals.
Hey, Sharp played his fucking ass off, yet again.
Toews Kane and Hossa- they were turds. Hossa in particular looked like he was drunk. And is Toews hurt? Has he been hurt for a while? I know he's getting targeted heavily by Vancouver, but even knowing that, he's not the same guy and he hasn't been for a while.
Little Ben Smith was awesome and Stalberg played about as good as he can.
But hey... the big story is this team playing like pussies yet again. All that bullshit talk about playing tougher and getting to the net. BULL SHIT. All show and no go.
Who cares how close they make the game- they're getting flat out WORKED no matter what the score says and really, no matter what the stat sheet says. Vancouver is playing so much tougher, harder and meaner.
Vancouver wants it. The Hawks are indifferent.