My name is Scott, I'm 27 and I live in Plymouth, in the south west of England. I never really got on with football/soccer when I was growing up and I have been a fan/playing basketball since I was about 12/13. I've been a bulls fan for aslong as I can remember first learning about basketball, and playing NBA something on my mega drive, oh and NBA Jam. My following of the bulls sort of faded for my younger years, mainly due to the lack of coverage of hear, and lack of internet access, PC's weren't cheap so I was told.
As you can imagine it is nearly impossible for me to watch any live games over hear, let alone a bulls game, so I have to make do with what I can read on the various sites and the podcasts.
I don't have a specific favourite bull, but if I did have to pick one, I would have to say Ben Gordon. Favourite former bull? I would have to say Pippen, I used to love the way he could blow past the defender up the baseline.
My favourite bulls memory would have to be the 97 finals game 5, Jordan playing with the Flu and still putting up 38.
As I live so far away, and can never seem to get time off during the season to get over and see a game I think that the first bulls game I do see will be my favourite. Ironically they are playing over here in the NBA Europe series, but I can't get out of work for it. The Navy don't really care about things like this.