Is Price worth it?


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Apr 18, 2013
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Yes, they are a ton of pieces away from actually competing. But, the question is, unless these pieces are addressed and added with Major League talent, then these pieces will always be lacking and we will never compete.

If the guy is an ace then a team without one could certainly use one.

Seeing that the odds of anyone we think of value in the minor leagues won't pan out in the majors, we could finally get some value for what we have down there. If not, the odds are they will just fizzle out and fade away. The real question is, do we roll the dice and take a chance that at least one player will pan out or do we trade them for known talent?

I'll pass for now. Price at the top would be great and I'm not saying I wouldn't like him, but I want to see what the Cubs net in the draft first. what Garza does or doesn't do this year, and what the Cubs get back in return at the deadline for Garza and/or Villanueva if they are/aren't extended or traded.

One of Appel/Gray figure to be somewhat close to major league ready after this year, and Shark, Appel/Gray, Garza (if extended), Jackson, Villanueva, Wood, and Baker give them a little depth in the pitching department.

Like many have said around here, it isn't like Price is going to make the Cubs a contender. Right? If you think otherwise, than the signing of Fielder would have made some sense. They are/were both 27, and Price could just as easily blow out an arm as much as Fielder could fall apart from his morbidly obese frame, and he wouldn't have cost the farm as Price would, plus Price would have to be locked up long-term and that won't be cheap either.

Soriano's contract is coming off the books soon enough, and that contract can be flipped for money towards a pitcher too without emptying the farm that has taken long enough to re-stock. I don't want to push this train back any further.

BTW, the Cubs figure to pick high in the draft next year too as much as it pains me to say it. They could still flood the team with pitching if it is available.

Too many unanswered questions for me. I say wait out the storm. :deer:


The Great and Knowledgeable
Jul 30, 2011
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If you guys don't want to pay too much for Price, I'll take Baez, Almora, or Soler for Peavy. Peavy can finally become a Cub. :soxtroll:


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Apr 26, 2013
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Well, this is what I mean to big for short. He already has limited range at his size now. When he gets bigger, he will lose quickness. Its a natural progression. So, Say he gains another 20 pounds with already mediocre range. Do you think the range is going to get better? 9 times out 10 it will get worse. Im sorry you did not get that point when I talked about getting to big. You also just compared him to hall of famers. ARod was moved off short. Jeter is completely over rated as a defensive shortstop and Ripken was an exception. You also are still ignoring the fact that he has committed 12 errors already.
I compared him to short stops. A-Rod also moved because he had Jeter blocking him in NY, so I don't know what that was supposed to mean. As for range, his RF/G in three minor league season is 4.43, compared to Castro's 4.40 in the majors, on worse conditioned fields so again, this whole myth Baez doesn't have range is again refuted by statistics. I wont even mention Baez, also like Castro, has a rocket arm. Baez gets to the ball, its backed up by statistical proof to also go along with the history of bigger athletes playing SS and are becoming more of a normal occurance in this day and age of the bigger player. Tulo is another big SS, Alexi on the South side. This whole "you needz a small guy at SS cuz hez iz quickerz" sterotype is complete and utter nonsense.
I didnt anoint him anything. I didnt even say he will be a successful major leaguer. I said if I was a betting man. I would bet he would wind up at third. I mean almost every scout I ever read has said the same thing. You should email them and tell them they are wrong as well.
Ive seen people speculate Baez should be a third baseman, but I also take that with a grain of salt considering many see Castro and come to a conclusion based on logic as to get them both on the field at the same time. I have also seen many say Baez is gonna end up in a corner, so again, playing GM on a message board is fun to do but has very little in terms of relevance as to what will actually happen. Scouts also said Tim Tebow would be a QB in the NFL, and when that failed painted up as a TE. Its just another opinion that means nothing.

Theo says Baez is a SS. Who am I to discredit him?
Also, Pitching is the biggest problem? Really? The Cubs are 7th in the NL in ERA with how horrible the bullpen has been. They are 3rd to last in BA and 2nd to last in walks. They are dead last with RISP with a .165 AVG. Tell me again how pitching is the biggest problem.
Maybe because those numbers are helped drastically by a short season? And will balloon once there more then a months worth of games, perhaps? I am a fan of Shark but if he is your number one guy your team has problems. I mean David Price- Shark. Hmm......
O yea, I forgot Theo thinks you need 500 AB's in AAA before you get to the majors. Well, guess what if Baez finishes this year in AA. He could get those at bats by next year and what position would be the biggest position of need for 2015. O yea, third base.
Then move Castro there. Baez is there to mash. Put him in a position where he is comfortable from the get go. Castro will adapt quicker.



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Apr 16, 2013
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Yes hes worth it.

No we wont see Theo get him. He would have to part with Almora or Soler definitely; something he wont do.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Rectal Cavity
Price isn't worth it.

By the time the Cubs are ready to compete. He'll be too old, possibly fat, and lose alot of mph off his fastball.

Then he'll end up just like Soriano. Team payroll handcuffing the next wave of the next dynasty. We'll have to rebuild all over again.

That's because it's the right thing to do.


Driving Wreckless DA Best
May 10, 2010
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The Cubs will try to acquire players at this years deadline for a better play down the road. Maybe Price, maybe someone else.


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Apr 16, 2013
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The Cubs will try to acquire players at this years deadline for a better play down the road. Maybe Price, maybe someone else.


No. Cubs are sellers this deadline......unless they go on a tear, or if Miami and San Diego remain the opponents? After SD doesnt it get harder at home with St. Louis and Cinci coming in?

Could a prospect come in that goes in a Price deal that avoids 2 of the 3 of Soler, Almora, and Baez? I hope so......Best bet there is Garza and Scheirholtz for Cody Buckel centered package. Texas will be buyers.....


Driving Wreckless DA Best
May 10, 2010
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No. Cubs are sellers this deadline......unless they go on a tear, or if Miami and San Diego remain the opponents? After SD doesnt it get harder at home with St. Louis and Cinci coming in?

Could a prospect come in that goes in a Price deal that avoids 2 of the 3 of Soler, Almora, and Baez? I hope so......Best bet there is Garza and Scheirholtz for Cody Buckel centered package. Texas will be buyers.....

Uhh prospects that they can flip. For Soriano, DeJesus, Villanueva, Garza, etc...


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Apr 16, 2013
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Good discussion on Baez. Honestly we don't have to worry about this for another year. By then we will have more data on this. I'd take this one step at a time. Right now it seems that Feldman has turned a corner and might build up some trade value. Bourbon IMO looks like he could man CF which frees up Dejesus. So they will be sellers for sure. Draft wise if they get Appel it solves some issues. Then Garza again? Will they trade him? Price is a very remote issue right now.


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Apr 16, 2013
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I compared him to short stops. A-Rod also moved because he had Jeter blocking him in NY, so I don't know what that was supposed to mean. As for range, his RF/G in three minor league season is 4.43, compared to Castro's 4.40 in the majors, on worse conditioned fields so again, this whole myth Baez doesn't have range is again refuted by statistics. I wont even mention Baez, also like Castro, has a rocket arm. Baez gets to the ball, its backed up by statistical proof to also go along with the history of bigger athletes playing SS and are becoming more of a normal occurance in this day and age of the bigger player. Tulo is another big SS, Alexi on the South side. This whole "you needz a small guy at SS cuz hez iz quickerz" sterotype is complete and utter nonsense.

Ive seen people speculate Baez should be a third baseman, but I also take that with a grain of salt considering many see Castro and come to a conclusion based on logic as to get them both on the field at the same time. I have also seen many say Baez is gonna end up in a corner, so again, playing GM on a message board is fun to do but has very little in terms of relevance as to what will actually happen. Scouts also said Tim Tebow would be a QB in the NFL, and when that failed painted up as a TE. Its just another opinion that means nothing.

Theo says Baez is a SS. Who am I to discredit him?

Maybe because those numbers are helped drastically by a short season? And will balloon once there more then a months worth of games, perhaps? I am a fan of Shark but if he is your number one guy your team has problems. I mean David Price- Shark. Hmm......

Then move Castro there. Baez is there to mash. Put him in a position where he is comfortable from the get go. Castro will adapt quicker.


So, the numbers are skewed to pitching but not to batting because is early in the season? Well, that seems logical to the smartest kid on the short bus. Another thing, You just proved Baez has less range and is still going to gain size. So, you just proved my point. Theo says he is a shortstop. Theo also said the Cubs have world series dream last season and this season. Even the biggest supporter cant deny that wasnt true. Yet again, how much are you over valuing Baez? IBaez is my favorite prospect, but in no way is he ready to take Castro's position. Castro value is worth double of Baez. Baez has commited 12 errors in single A at 20 years old. Castro is a 200 hit player and multiple all star is only 23. His value is worth a ton more than Baez and Baez does not hold a candle to what Castro has accomplished already with room to grow. Also, i ecplained the getting to big for position and you totally ignored it. Im going to leave you this. You can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see what one fills up first.

Also, one last thing. Castro has not shown the power to play a corner position. His value would decrease greatly if he puts up a stat line like he did last year at third. Baez has alot more power and his bat would go with the position. If Castro moves, it will be to second and I almost guarantee Baez wont be at shortunless his defense does a complete 180 in the next year.


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Apr 26, 2013
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So, the numbers are skewed to pitching but not to batting because is early in the season?
Talent level has nothing to do with it? You mean to tell me Feldman having a great game against the Padres suddenly shoots him up into the elite level of starting pitching in the league? Or the fact the Cubs have had a relatively soft schedule against mediocre teams? Great starting pitching sure doesn't wait around around during FA for Theo to pick up.
Well, that seems logical to the smartest kid on the short bus. Another thing, You just proved Baez has less range and is still going to gain size.
By debunking this translucent myth that size means nothing outside of the proverbial bedroom? You are getting the exact same range, from a statistical stand point, from Baez and Castro. It isn't too hard to see and is quite questionable to spin around. Baez is going to gain size, but Castro, two years older, isn't? O RLY? Its just an excuse to keep Castro at some sort of premium considering what he actually does bring yet he already got paid so I don't have a clue as to why you wouldn't move a guy who has already had experience at 3B over for a guy who has more power potential and is pretty much basically a SS.
So, you just proved my point. Theo says he is a shortstop. Theo also said the Cubs have world series dream last season and this season.
Was this said between where he has stated countless times this team was gonna be bad?
Even the biggest supporter cant deny that wasnt true. Yet again, how much are you over valuing Baez? IBaez is my favorite prospect, but in no way is he ready to take Castro's position. Castro value is worth double of Baez.
Baez didn't get paid 60 million guaranteed dollars like Castro and is considered one of the top prospects in baseball. The value between the two sure as hell isn't double for Castro, just sayin.
Baez has commited 12 errors in single A at 20 years old.
Castro was a butcher in the field in the minors also, if I recall.....

Castro is a 200 hit player and multiple all star is only 23. His value is worth a ton more than Baez and Baez does not hold a candle to what Castro has accomplished already with room to grow.
Room to grow how? As in gaining size? AS means nothing considering the Cubs just don't have the talent to even make it a competition so Castro was basically the Cubs rep by default, but don't let that impede judgement. Castro is nothing but Edgar Renteria who makes a bit better contact, not a bad player at all but trying to project him as something other then that is just projectional folly. A good complimentary player who will stick out a game or two. Baez projects as one of the berst players in baseball who might be the best hitter on the Cubs. Considering this team isn't gonna be contending any time soon Castro as his skills are being wasted here on a last place team that will be again in the running for another 100 lost season. What good is a 200 hit year on a last place club, again?
Also, i ecplained the getting to big for position and you totally ignored it. Im going to leave you this. You can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see what one fills up first.
I also explained that there are bigger SS then Baez, which you obviously iggy'ed because it puts a lawn dart thru that type of anti-logic.
Also, one last thing. Castro has not shown the power to play a corner position. His value would decrease greatly if he puts up a stat line like he did last year at third. Baez has alot more power and his bat would go with the position. If Castro moves, it will be to second and I almost guarantee Baez wont be at shortunless his defense does a complete 180 in the next year.
You are just speculating. Kind of how all these "scouts" are speculating how Baez will be at 3B, North Korea has nuclear weapons, etc,etc. As for Castros value, its ten years and 60 million dollars, how is that not hard to understand? If putting him at third is needed to groom Baez into the majors, stranger things have happened.

Wow.....just wow.



Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Wow just wow. You made almost no points and contradicted yourself so many times. If you believe Baez holds more value than Castro then this convo is done. Your just trolling.


Apr 28, 2009
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Why does it matter where the power comes from? Just as long as it is there, right?


Apr 28, 2009
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Arod hit 50+ taters, let's get him over to first because SS is a slap type hitter....


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Apr 26, 2013
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Wow just wow. You made almost no points and contradicted yourself so many times. If you believe Baez holds more value than Castro then this convo is done. Your just trolling.

If that's what you need to tell yourself on account of losing a debate, so be it.

Good try, tho.



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Apr 26, 2013
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Arod hit 50+ taters, let's get him over to first because SS is a slap type hitter....

Basically. Also not even mentioning if Baez is putting up 25 HR's at short where he is comfortable and Castro is getting 200 hits at 3B where he has proven he can play its a bad thing on account of Castro loses value.........(chuckles)



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Apr 16, 2013
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If that's what you need to tell yourself on account of losing a debate, so be it.

Good try, tho.


Lol your dad can beat up my dad! Does that make you feel better? Your whole argument is scouts dont know. Theo said he is a shortstop and Baez holds as much value as Castro without playing above single A. O and Castro was in the majors by 20. Tell me again what you won? Or are you going to hold your breath until someone says your right. Im sorry Castro gave your old lady the high hard one. Doesnt mean you can go through life with ridiculous logic. It will get better for you buddy. I promise.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Basically. Also not even mentioning if Baez is putting up 25 HR's at short where he is comfortable and Castro is getting 200 hits at 3B where he has proven he can play its a bad thing on account of Castro loses value.........(chuckles)


What does that even mean? Castro has never proven he can play third because he played short and second in the minors. What you fail to comprehend is there is power positions. Moving Castro to third would make a mediocre player there because he doesnt have the power to play there. Hence, if you want to trade him his value is lost because he is not at a position where his numbers turn heads. At short, his numbers look alot better compared to numbers around the league. Hence, means his value at short is greater than it would be at third. Castro also would have great numbers for a second baseman. Hence, why he could move there if he doesnt get the errors under control. Castro would be tried at CF before he is tried at third. But, yet again, tell me how you are completely over valuing a prospect? I love Baez. Huge ceiling but have you ever seen his K to walk rate? Check that out plus add in the horrible defense he has had this year and you want to compare his value to Castro. That is the epitome of stupid.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Arod hit 50+ taters, let's get him over to first because SS is a slap type hitter....

Since 2000, there have been 5 to hit 30 homeruns in a season at short. Tulo multiple time, Tejada multiple times, JJ hardy once, Jimmy Rollins once, Hanley Ramirez once. Tell me again who is hitting 50 homers at short. Good talk bud. The most homers at short since 2000 was 34 in a season. I would get out the 90's man. All that grunge and drugs fucked up your mind.


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Apr 26, 2013
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Lol your dad can beat up my dad! Does that make you feel better? Your whole argument is scouts dont know. Theo said he is a shortstop and Baez holds as much value as Castro without playing above single A. O and Castro was in the majors by 20. Tell me again what you won? Or are you going to hold your breath until someone says your right. Im sorry Castro gave your old lady the high hard one. Doesnt mean you can go through life with ridiculous logic. It will get better for you buddy. I promise.
Now you are bleating like an immature child. Step back from the monitor and unplug. Castro is also owed 60 million dollars, which puts a cramp in his value considering last time I checked, that's an enormous amount of money. Your whole attempt at debating, outside the whole "I haz experience in AOL chat roomz and will givez youz the whatz ferz with clichéd lamez that wernt funny the last timez the Cubz wonz a werld seriesz", is that Baez is gonna suddenly transform into the Hulk and suddenly lose the ability of bending over and running. I just happened to point out that this whole little guys are shortstop myth is just a myth with players who are bigger then Baez playing SS in the majors. Now tell me, if this whole gain size means lost range, then Tulo, Alexi, Jeter, etc would be some of the poorest fielders in the game considering they have more size then Baez, correct? I wont even mention just how many GG's are in that mix.

As for value, I don't hear Castro being mentioned too much in trade discussion for players who can make the Cubs a better team, but I hear Baez a lot. Why is that again considering this translucent thought of Castro having "double the value of Baez". Who is the first person mentioned in a trade for Price? Baez. Why is that? Well, look at the albatross contract Castro has. Hmm. If you are talking fantasy baseball then why yes, Castro has considerable value on account of Baez isn't even in the majors.

So again, nice try and save the speeches for Obama and come back here when you have a shred of logical debate within you and understand what Theo and Co. are actually trying to do. Ill be waiting right here.(waves)

