Is Price worth it?


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Apr 26, 2013
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What does that even mean? Castro has never proven he can play third because he played short and second in the minors. What you fail to comprehend is there is power positions. Moving Castro to third would make a mediocre player there because he doesnt have the power to play there. Hence, if you want to trade him his value is lost because he is not at a position where his numbers turn heads. At short, his numbers look alot better compared to numbers around the league. Hence, means his value at short is greater than it would be at third. Castro also would have great numbers for a second baseman. Hence, why he could move there if he doesnt get the errors under control. Castro would be tried at CF before he is tried at third. But, yet again, tell me how you are completely over valuing a prospect? I love Baez. Huge ceiling but have you ever seen his K to walk rate? Check that out plus add in the horrible defense he has had this year and you want to compare his value to Castro. That is the epitome of stupid.
Castro never played third base in the minors? You sure about that?

Castros value is what it is, it makes no difference where he plays on the field. If you think a player who can average 200 hits a year, be it playing short or 3d decreases his value when the perceived power from that position can be picked up somewhere else, and in this case, Baez taking over short, you need to give your own head a shake.
And on that note, signing Castro to that much money doesn't make it seem like Theo is trying to trade him.

Again, just wow.



Apr 28, 2009
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SilenceS you are crazy. You dismiss the greatest SS in the history of baseball. OK. Sorry Cub fans, you win SilenceS.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Now you are bleating like an immature child. Step back from the monitor and unplug. Castro is also owed 60 million dollars, which puts a cramp in his value considering last time I checked, that's an enormous amount of money. Your whole attempt at debating, outside the whole "I haz experience in AOL chat roomz and will givez youz the whatz ferz with clichéd lamez that wernt funny the last timez the Cubz wonz a werld seriesz", is that Baez is gonna suddenly transform into the Hulk and suddenly lose the ability of bending over and running. I just happened to point out that this whole little guys are shortstop myth is just a myth with players who are bigger then Baez playing SS in the majors. Now tell me, if this whole gain size means lost range, then Tulo, Alexi, Jeter, etc would be some of the poorest fielders in the game considering they have more size then Baez, correct? I wont even mention just how many GG's are in that mix.

As for value, I don't hear Castro being mentioned too much in trade discussion for players who can make the Cubs a better team, but I hear Baez a lot. Why is that again considering this translucent thought of Castro having "double the value of Baez". Who is the first person mentioned in a trade for Price? Baez. Why is that? Well, look at the albatross contract Castro has. Hmm. If you are talking fantasy baseball then why yes, Castro has considerable value on account of Baez isn't even in the majors.

So again, nice try and save the speeches for Obama and come back here when you have a shred of logical debate within you and understand what Theo and Co. are actually trying to do. Ill be waiting right here.(waves)


You both have points, but I agree with Silence more though. Martini mentions 60 million being a lot owed to a player--but its over 7 years. A team like the Rays, looking at trading Price would KILL for that kind of contract on a young star in return for a 180 million dollar pitcher. However, alot of teams stray away from Castro because the dude just doesn't want to take a walk at the plate and can get lazy in the field with pitchers like Edwin Jackson, who love to take their time. .284 average with a .303 OBP. Thats terrifying for a kid who swings at everything. He's got power, which hopefully comes along this year. 20 Home Runs this year and Baez being a more valuable trade chip is null and void.

Baez can interest a bunch of teams as he's learning 3B. Few teams have staple 3B that are great hitters. Mets, Rays, Nats, Tigers, Giants, Padres (not for long.) DBacks. Fast swing, power is what will interest the most, and a plus that he takes slightly more walks than Castro does. A team like Oakland dangling Jarrod Parker I can see being more interested in Baez.

I get the argument for both, but Castro is far more valuable a trade chip, and its because of the contract; locked up till 2020 with his option and the most he gets paid a year is 16 million through the option year. Wouldnt break the bank for anyone. And the all-star resume helps.


Staff member
Apr 16, 2013
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Now you are bleating like an immature child. Step back from the monitor and unplug. Castro is also owed 60 million dollars, which puts a cramp in his value considering last time I checked, that's an enormous amount of money. Your whole attempt at debating, outside the whole "I haz experience in AOL chat roomz and will givez youz the whatz ferz with clichéd lamez that wernt funny the last timez the Cubz wonz a werld seriesz", is that Baez is gonna suddenly transform into the Hulk and suddenly lose the ability of bending over and running. I just happened to point out that this whole little guys are shortstop myth is just a myth with players who are bigger then Baez playing SS in the majors. Now tell me, if this whole gain size means lost range, then Tulo, Alexi, Jeter, etc would be some of the poorest fielders in the game considering they have more size then Baez, correct? I wont even mention just how many GG's are in that mix.

As for value, I don't hear Castro being mentioned too much in trade discussion for players who can make the Cubs a better team, but I hear Baez a lot. Why is that again considering this translucent thought of Castro having "double the value of Baez". Who is the first person mentioned in a trade for Price? Baez. Why is that? Well, look at the albatross contract Castro has. Hmm. If you are talking fantasy baseball then why yes, Castro has considerable value on account of Baez isn't even in the majors.

So again, nice try and save the speeches for Obama and come back here when you have a shred of logical debate within you and understand what Theo and Co. are actually trying to do. Ill be waiting right here.(waves)


Whats funny is that when the Cubs were talking about Justin Upton. The first name that came up that the DBAcks wanted was Castro and the Cubs shut down pretty quickly on it. Do you remember that or is that past 5 minutes so it doesnt matter? The reason I type like a douche to you because every post I have ever seen you make is one of a complete condescending asshole that lacks information, but swears he is the smartest guy in the room. O and Im sorry Castro did play a little third in 2007 and 2008. He also played first, second, short, right field, and center field. He must be able to play all those postions as well. It was only 5 years ago.

So, you think a 7 year 60 million dollar contract is an albatross for a 2 time all star and most hits in the league since he has been called up. Castro is still 4 years away from his prime!!!!!!! He is locked up through half of his prime years. The Cubs gave Jorge Soler 9 year 30 million and he has never stepped foot on a major league field. You have an issue with Castro. I see this convo will go no where so on to the next one.


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Aug 19, 2012
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Rectal Cavity
The reason I type like a douche to you because every post I have ever seen you make is one of a complete condescending asshole that lacks information, but swears he is the smartest guy in the room.

Silence. It's really needless to even respond to the "origin of the feces".

The guy can't debate, and when backed into a corner, changes the subject or goes and trolls another post.

A real numbskull with a protruding ass that types.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Silence. It's really needless to even respond to the "origin of the feces".

The guy can't debate, and when backed into a corner, changes the subject or goes and trolls another post.

A real numbskull with a protruding ass that types.

I hear ringling bros/barnu, & bailey are hiring for that...... :fap:


Would like my account deleted
Apr 26, 2013
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Whats funny is that when the Cubs were talking about Justin Upton. The first name that came up that the DBAcks wanted was Castro and the Cubs shut down pretty quickly on it. Do you remember that or is that past 5 minutes so it doesnt matter?
Ah yes, I remember this. I also remember the M's also supposedly offered four of their best prospects for Upton in another rumor with unverified sources, both teams, Cubs and M's, on Uptons no trade list. And after the lackluster return, I would go as far as to say Castro being part of any deal was nothing but purely made up. Sorry, don't buy it that two teams who just so happened to be blocked by Upton personally suddenly threw a ton of talent in that direction to aquire him. If you want to believe that, go right ahead. Doesn't change the fact the supposed "sources" were never identified and have remained invisible even after he was traded.

The reason I type like a douche to you because every post I have ever seen you make is one of a complete condescending asshole that lacks information, but swears he is the smartest guy in the room. O and Im sorry Castro did play a little third in 2007 and 2008. He also played first, second, short, right field, and center field. He must be able to play all those postions as well. It was only 5 years ago.
Funny still considering Baez has what, three games of 3B experience, yet is already considered the third baseman of the future on account of he will suddenly forget to remember how to run and bend over to the point that he, a proven SS, will suddenly lose certain physical dynamics to the point that he will not be physically able to play a position he has played his entire life. Sure, Baez will be able to play third, its his fault he will gain weight and height yet still smaller then many of the SS already playing SS in the majors. (chuckles)
So, you think a 7 year 60 million dollar contract is an albatross for a 2 time all star and most hits in the league since he has been called up. Castro is still 4 years away from his prime!!!!!!!
Really now? When did you get this power to tell the future and suddenly know Castro isn't in his prime already or this is his peak of actual skill level? Are these again unnamed sources dictating what you are trying to type out here? And last time I checked, 60 million dollars is a ton of money. It doesn't matter how many years its stretched out to when its still a ton of money for a guy who makes contact certainly, but is mediocre in pretty much every facet other then having a RF/G oh so similar to a guy who will most certainly be too thick to play SS.

Ouch. That's gotta hurt. But so does the delusion Castro could get you Upton in a trade.
He is locked up through half of his prime years. The Cubs gave Jorge Soler 9 year 30 million and he has never stepped foot on a major league field. You have an issue with Castro. I see this convo will go no where so on to the next one.

I don't have a problem with Castro, but he is what he is. Once he learns how to take a pitch here or there and not look like somebody who suddenly forgets he is actually playing in a game things will only get better for the poor kid. Soler got that contract because he is a better talent. Castro's problem is he was rushed into the majors when he should have been developed a bit better under the last regime of failure. One 200 hit season doesn't change my opinion.



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Apr 16, 2013
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A couple of things, Baez was a center fielder most of his life. He moved to short late when he was a senior. So, 0 for 1.

Baez at 20 years old already out weighs Jeter and scouts say his frame is going to fill him out a lot more. Hence, why they say he is going to outgrow the position to be an above average shortstop. The belief is he would be a mediocre shortstop, but a gold glove third baseman. But, I forgot you discredit major league scouts with some kind of short bus logic. 0 for 2

The major league players peak is between 27 and 32. Your own Theo Epstein has even said this and said he does not want to sign guys not in that peak age. You can look it up. 0 for 3

Castro wasnt the only piece to get Upton. He was the center piece and it would have been counter productive to trade him because wait for it. His value is to much to the team that losing him would make the trade for Upton not have as big of an impact because you lose one of your PROVEN best players in the process. 0 for 4

So, Jorge Soler who hasnt played past single A and has been suspended and benched this year is worth that contract, but not Castro? LOGIC FAIL! 0 for 5

Yes, you have a problem with Castro because you are a flavor of the month type of guy and cant remember what he did 5 minutes ago. Well, let me just leave you with this. Theo and company didnt have to extend Castro. They could have dangled him out there to trade. They extended him for 7 years. Seems like they are dead set on him being the shortstop for the foreseeable future. But, you want to take a guy who makes Castro look like Ozzie Smith right now at short and has a horrendous k to BB ratio and anoint him the future shortstop over a proven 2 time all star and considered on many list to be a top 10 player under 25 with monster room to grow as a player. Dude, you shouldnt have eaten paint chips as child.


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Apr 22, 2013
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As funny as this is, I just can't help but laugh at Martini. He reminds me of an arrogant Wrig from CBS. The kind that are eternal optimists because they believe everything the "club" tells them to believe and doesn't realize that most of what they type is...well....garbage with no basis.



CCS Donator
Apr 24, 2010
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you will have to give up a shitload and pray he doesnt get hurt. not having talent around him seems pointless to even think about it.
