MAddux did not get great until he slowed it down. It is a different view than everyone cutting 95 mph fast balls.
They are not the same pitcher. Peeps need to really leave that off the table.
Maddux was a low 90 pitcher. When dropped into the 80's was when the Cubs got him again.
Add to it is trade mark was a fastball will a tail. To left he would start it on his fist and it would tail over the plate. He could do that when the hitter knew it was coming and the hitter could foul it off at best.
Greg's philosophy was use strikes to set up strikes. He would stay in the strike zone and use movement and velocity and location. He did not use a pitch out of zone to set up a pitch.
Greg was a master. His career BB/9 back that statement. You are really not respecting who is his by mixing him in with Hendricks.
Hendricks has some elements going on but he lacks the velocity and doesn't have that back door tailing fastball