1. Too many Cubs fans in here.... I don't blame the Cubs fans, as they haven't had relevant (present day) baseball discussions in over 3 months, but where are the Sox fans?
2. This game could be the end of the season, with 7 games left and finally losing control of the worst division in baseball. I have absolutely no idea why they will be praised when this collapse is complete, but I'd bet anything that KW will still be praised for this team of underachievers, and Ventura will be cheered as well, even though 9/10ths of his rookie managerial mistakes have happened over the last month and a half of the season.
The division winner *might* be 10 games over .500 when this is all said and done. Both wild card winners will have much better records then the Cental division winner, and yet people will spin it as a lost season, with low expectations, and a competitive ending!
To those people I say: Be Cubs fans. That is a "losing" attitude that is prevelant on the north side. Call me an "elitist" but I prefer my team to be about excelling and winning.