Joe started in the Angel organization didnt he? If Theo is not giving him an extension, how ugly do we really want it to get here? The best thing for our organization is to make it look like Joe wanted to leave. Theo can play that as to why he did not get the extension.
People who believe Maddon singlehandedly won the world series are not living in reality. Go back to game 7 and see how Joe tried to **** that up. Have lester throwing 200 pitches warming up for 3 innings, then not starting him in a clean inning.
dont get me started on the Strop at bat, or people seriously believing that our MVP, Kris Bryant, has absolutely no problem getting tossed around like Joes salad from right to left to third.
The talent this team had, to get to 400 wins was never asking much.
Joe wants to be in the driver seat. Use players as he sees fit, not how the front office is arranging the roster.
Its either, I did not get an extension so I took the opportunity where I started.
Or Joe wanted to go to Anaheim so we felt his heart was not here anymore.
OUR ORGANIZATION you go the second option.