Justin Fields hype starting to leak out of Halas Hall, from reporters, and everyone's "favorite" bloggers...


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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Your life consists of trolling people on all social media networks and message boards all day and night.

I feel bad for you because that is one sorry ass life to live. Your only friends are probably the people on those networks that have probably never even met you in real life. Right @Chicagosports89?
View attachment 31674

Kool life man
Thanks you guy who has literally had multiple meltdowns over people n3gging his posts and who spends years following around posters and obsessing over them because of their opposite opinions on football.

Very normal behavior for a grown man. For the sake of your bank account I hope tampons havent gone up with inflation.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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Your life consists of trolling people on all social media networks and message boards all day and night.

I feel bad for you because that is one sorry ass life to live. Your only friends are probably the people on those networks that have probably never even met you in real life. Right @Chicagosports89?
View attachment 31674

Kool life man

The only thing I find truly sad, and maybe its only because I was lucky in what I chose to unblock in certain conversations, is it seemed like he was starting to turn a corner and actually contribute to the forum something other than trolling. He seemed like he was more engaged in the Bears talk. I wasn't going to point it out, but it looked like at one point he might have grown up a little and turned a corner.

But nope - one thread started by me, and he's off the deep end again.

There's a reason why I have what I have under my avatar. It's not bragging - its a stone cold observation. That so many people on this board live their internet lives around a self-admitted nobody with an opinion like me is quite frankly, borderline disturbing bordering on psychosis....


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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The only thing I find truly sad, and maybe its only because I was lucky in what I chose to unblock in certain conversations, is it seemed like he was starting to turn a corner and actually contribute to the forum something other than trolling. He seemed like he was more engaged in the Bears talk. I wasn't going to point it out, but it looked like at one point he might have grown up a little and turned a corner.

But nope - one thread started by me, and he's off the deep end again.

There's a reason why I have what I have under my avatar. It's not bragging - its a stone cold observation. That so many people on this board live their internet lives around a self-admitted nobody with an opinion like me is quite frankly, borderline disturbing bordering on psychosis....
Bro nobody has doxxed ccs members but you.

So shut the fuck up please.


2020 CCS Fantasy Football Champ (ESPN League)
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Aug 20, 2012
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Richmond, VA
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Bro nobody has doxxed ccs members but you.

So shut the fuck up please.
He's a clown....people laugh and joke clowns and he thinks he has any bearing in our lives


Sep 27, 2010
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If you really look at Cutler though, he was the same in Denver as he was here. The offensive system didn't matter. What Cutler always did was sit on waiting on the deep ball way too long (at times forcing it) only to eventually dump it off way too late when the deep shot wasn't there. He did this regardless of what offense he was supposed to be running.

If you consider about 1K less yards and 33% more interceptions, sacks and sack yards going up considerably to be the same I guess. And after that first year never playing a full season again. That's an awful big drop off for a 4th year QB to have on their own.
Cutler was a "gunslinger". Bears just got over their love affair with a gunslinger. That wasn't the problem. Never building a team for a QB, thinking all you need is a QB coupled with loving reckless gunslingers is the problem.

Don't pull out that time to pass BS and only going for long balls like people claim with Fields. It is impossible to average under 10yds if you only throw 50yds. And for a WR to go deep takes time, it is impossible for a WR to go 50yds while a QB gets rid of the ball in anything considerably less than 5 seconds. I can't believe people are this bad at simple math to believe that BS spin.

The crap with Cutler was the same BS we've been dealing with the Bears for decades before and years after. The main problem is the team.
They didn't build for Rex, they didn't build for Jay, they didn't build for Mitch, they didn't build for Justin.
The only time I can think of where they had an offense for the QB was '85. But for some reason because the '85 D was good people forget there was an equally great '85 O.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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If you consider about 1K less yards and 33% more interceptions, sacks and sack yards going up considerably to be the same I guess. And after that first year never playing a full season again. That's an awful big drop off for a 4th year QB to have on their own.
Cutler was a "gunslinger". Bears just got over their love affair with a gunslinger. That wasn't the problem. Never building a team for a QB, thinking all you need is a QB coupled with loving reckless gunslingers is the problem.

Don't pull out that time to pass BS and only going for long balls like people claim with Fields. It is impossible to average under 10yds if you only throw 50yds. And for a WR to go deep takes time, it is impossible for a WR to go 50yds while a QB gets rid of the ball in anything considerably less than 5 seconds. I can't believe people are this bad at simple math to believe that BS spin.

The crap with Cutler was the same BS we've been dealing with the Bears for decades before and years after. The main problem is the team.
They didn't build for Rex, they didn't build for Jay, they didn't build for Mitch, they didn't build for Justin.
The only time I can think of where they had an offense for the QB was '85. But for some reason because the '85 D was good people forget there was an equally great '85 O.

Look. Sorry to break it to you, but the league knew "Jay" was being "Jay", which is why the good corners feasted on him.

There's more than enough evidence to prove this. Offenses were often janky with Cutler in there. Remember when he got hurt and McCown took over and suddenly looked like Brady between the 20s?

That was because McCown actually RAN the offense as intended. He hit guys on time and the YAC for guys went WAY up. Now, McCown wasn't as good of a QB overall in terms of physical talent and that always showed in the red zone, but the offense looked better with McCown at the helm. That's because Jay didn't play within the scheme, save for I believe his best year under year 1 of Gase?

That said, our OCs were also shit, which explains a lot of the other stuff you were talking about. But a LOT of that was on Jay, and Jay had a reputation for being uncoachable. The difference is Shannahan designed an offense around what Jay did in Denver, and they were more successful because of it, and the Bears OCs tried to force Jay to be what they wanted him to be rather than build around what he did, which I do believe speaks to your point.

The only bone of contention I have is your middle paragraph, really - its a straw man argument. I never said jay only threw 50 yard bombs, but he WAS always looking for the deep ball. Seriously, go back and look at some old games with him. He sits on it, sits on it, sits on it and finally will just be like "fuck, its not there" and dump it off underneath, and the receiver will get tackled right there. The mistake you seem to be making is thinking that's how the offense was designed.

Go back year 1 Trestman and compare Cutler to McCown. And pay attention to when players talk about the rhythm of an offense, passing and playing "in rhythm" etc. Those aren't just catch phrases. When McCown was playing, instead of sitting on the deep ball, he was hitting guys underneath in stride and they were turning it up the field for significant yards. With Jay, he ignored the open receivers underneath until the last minute, and by that time, the defender adjusted to whatever opening was created, and would tackle whoever caught it underneath right there where they caught it more often than not, because whatever hole the scheme created was now gone because the defense compensated.

Seriously, go look. We're both right here. The OCs were stubborn and didn't design an offense to what Cutler wants to do, but at the same time, Cutler refused to run most offenses the way they were intended.
  • Haha
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O Doyle Rules
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You've got all the trolls on this board eating out of your hands! How do you do it? The way you get to live in their heads without paying rent is uncanny!

Congrats bro!


Sep 27, 2010
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The difference is Shannahan designed an offense around what Jay did in Denver, and they were more successful because of it, and the Bears OCs tried to force Jay to be what they wanted him to be rather than build around what he did, which I do believe speaks to your point.

That's kind of a big one don't you think?
Also McCown wasn't in long enough to say anything. If he became the starter and teams started planning against him he wouldn't have done any better because we didn't have an offense and he wasn't a better QB.

My bigger point is we didn't develop Cutler but we did make him regress. Once Emery actually tried to have an offense Cutler went back to almost what he was, but by then it was too late.
Had we given him the tools in '09 and planned for him he could've continued to develop. We can't be sure because it didn't happen like that.

The strawman is pretending you know what the call is to say the ball shouldn't be held for 5 seconds while a 1st read WR goes 50yds before you can decide to dump off short.
The whole PFF time to pass metric is complete BS.
The real metric is the OC calling a play to hold the ball for 5 seconds to get the 1st read while the GM has an oline that can hold for maybe 2 seconds, that is the only "too long" there is. But nobody can do that metric because nobody but the coaches and players know what the calls are.
"Too long" is relative to what the call is and probably not up to the QB. If the OC is calling a quick pass behind LOS it's out fast. If the OC is calling 50yds 1st read and then a screen if that's not open it's going to take longer.

Very few teams have Peyton Manning calling his own plays, especially not in their rookie contract.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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That's kind of a big one don't you think?
Also McCown wasn't in long enough to say anything. If he became the starter and teams started planning against him he wouldn't have done any better because we didn't have an offense and he wasn't a better QB.

My bigger point is we didn't develop Cutler but we did make him regress. Once Emery actually tried to have an offense Cutler went back to almost what he was, but by then it was too late.
Had we given him the tools in '09 and planned for him he could've continued to develop. We can't be sure because it didn't happen like that.

The strawman is pretending you know what the call is to say the ball shouldn't be held for 5 seconds while a 1st read WR goes 50yds before you can decide to dump off short.
The whole PFF time to pass metric is complete BS.
The real metric is the OC calling a play to hold the ball for 5 seconds to get the 1st read while the GM has an oline that can hold for maybe 2 seconds, that is the only "too long" there is. But nobody can do that metric because nobody but the coaches and players know what the calls are.
"Too long" is relative to what the call is and probably not up to the QB. If the OC is calling a quick pass behind LOS it's out fast. If the OC is calling 50yds 1st read and then a screen if that's not open it's going to take longer.

Very few teams have Peyton Manning calling his own plays, especially not in their rookie contract.

I bet you never even watched. Sorry, but what I said can actually be visibly measured. I have a lot more evidence for my point.

As far as PFF - I agree they are ass, so if you are trying to use them as an argument crutch by claiming I am quoting them, that's another strawman. I did no such thing. PFF is shit.

Why are we arguing over Jay Cutler anyway? He was a bi-polar QB who statistically ended up very average. I agree we had idiots who never properly built around him, but you seem to be carrying a ton of extra baggage from other arguments you've had with other people into this one with me, over a QB who is no longer relevant. None of what we've talked about relates to Justin Fields....


Sep 27, 2010
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None of what we've talked about relates to Justin Fields....

I would go along with that except we have the same ownership and the team is doing the same things they've been doing since this reign of suckage began. There's only one constant. When trouble shooting look for the constant.

You said Cutler was a finished product when we got him. He was only finished because we finished him at the end of his rookie contract. The QB we got had 1K less yards coming here. The QB we got rid of had 1K more yards leaving.
If Fields' can manage to survive being a rookie on the Bears that is a statement.

The QB we should be comparing to is actually Orton. Not for stats or ability but for QBs who's mental and physical make up can manage to survive being a young QB on the Bears without any help on offense. That is what these improvements show is possible. We may not have screwed this one up by the time we get around to having an offense.
