Last January Mock Offseason


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Dec 18, 2013
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The salary cap is also likely to increase by up to another $10m.


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Dec 12, 2011
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Shaq Barrett is a RFA.


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Apr 28, 2013
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The Bears will have over $100m of cap space if they don't re-sign Amukamara. Marcus Cooper is also a cut as well. Robey-Coleman is a nickel corner at nickel corner money not $6m a season!

Fuller and Breeland will be in the $10-12m a season range so that's around $24m at the outside corner position. Admittedly that's a fair amount but CB would be upgraded and that's really the point for the Bears going into the 2018 season.

The Bears could live without Robey-Coleman though and keep Cre'von LeBlanc.

Robinson on a 1 year 'prove it deal' similar to Jeffrey at say $10m. Gabriel will be lucky to get $4m a season. Norwell will cost around $10m a season (maybe $12m) but you save close to $8m this upcoming year by cutting Sitton for a younger ascending player. Burton is not going to get more than Sims was on.

Barrett or Attaochu will not command more than $3m a season. Barrett has been injured and hasn't played that much behind Von Miller and Ware (when he played) and Attaochu has hardly played as he's in the wrong system. Houston will get just over the 1 year vet. Chase Daniel maybe $2-2.5mm a season. Irving could be in line for a decent deal and I am not quite sure where his market will be to be fair.

Apart from the re-signings of Goldman and Fuller who will cost money and perhaps Kendall Wright at a max of $4m a season, I am not sure why you don't think we can afford it? Brice Butler instead of Robinson? Would be cheaper.

This is the year for Pace to splurge on quality and if necessary run the salary cap close or be flexible with it.

I think the above makes the Bears contenders next season for the NFC North.

Those cuts would put the Bears at 96 Mil in cap room.

Breeland- 10M
Fuller- 10M
Robinson- 10M
Norwell- 10M

That's down to 56Mil

Robey-Coleman is likely to get 6-8Mil/year.

David Irving and Shaq Barrett are restricted free agents. They'll get at worst 2nd round tenders, which come with a nearly 3 million price tag. In order to sign them from their teams, you have to give them a contract that the other team can't match AKA a contract similar to what both would get on the open market. Both teams don't have a ton of cap space, so they potentially could be had. Both would get at least 6-8 Mil on the market.

That leaves you with 34 Mil. All the smaller signings would likely take you in the single digit range. Then you still have to sign a draft class and have space for in season moves. It's not happening dude.


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Dec 18, 2013
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Those cuts would put the Bears at 96 Mil in cap room.

Breeland- 10M
Fuller- 10M
Robinson- 10M
Norwell- 10M

That's down to 56Mil

Robey-Coleman is likely to get 6-8Mil/year.

David Irving and Shaq Barrett are restricted free agents. They'll get at worst 2nd round tenders, which come with a nearly 3 million price tag. In order to sign them from their teams, you have to give them a contract that the other team can't match AKA a contract similar to what both would get on the open market. Both teams don't have a ton of cap space, so they potentially could be had. Both would get at least 6-8 Mil on the market.

That leaves you with 34 Mil. All the smaller signings would likely take you in the single digit range. Then you still have to sign a draft class and have space for in season moves. It's not happening dude.

I don't believe Robey-Coleman gets $6-8m. He's a nickel corner. However if he does then the Bears definitely shouldn't sign him. We can keep Cre'von LeBlanc as I said. In fact let's forget Robey Coleman because we're not going to agree and I am more likely to be wrong on the pricing than you I guess.

I understand Irving could get $6-8m and he'd likely be worth it. I don't think Barrett gets quite that but we'll see. Between the two let's say $13m total.

Worst case the Bears could perhaps go with Brice Butler over Allen Robinson. Butler has potential. Obviously the WR line up just looks better on paper with Robinson on it.


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Dec 18, 2013
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I don't believe Robey-Coleman gets $6-8m. He's a nickel corner. However if he does then the Bears definitely shouldn't sign him. We can keep Cre'von LeBlanc as I said. In fact let's forget Robey Coleman because we're not going to agree and I am more likely to be wrong on the pricing than you I guess.

I understand Irving could get $6-8m and he'd likely be worth it. I don't think Barrett gets quite that but we'll see. Between the two let's say $13m total.

Worst case the Bears could perhaps go with Brice Butler over Allen Robinson. Butler has potential. Obviously the WR line up just looks better on paper with Robinson on it.

I think it's doable with a bit of back dating on some of the contracts. It's time for the Bears to start winning.


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Aug 24, 2012
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I think it's doable with a bit of back dating on some of the contracts. It's time for the Bears to start winning.

irving is also a rfa...pace has shown his willingness to build through the draft, he uses free agency as a temporary stop gap or 1-2yr prove it deals to lessen risk. Norwell is a prime example, paying him upwards of 13 mill is not something i see pace doing. Prince's play has been above average and i dont see why pace would move away from him unless his demands are unreasonable. NB is another spot where they dont have a need, callahan is playing well and leblanc is solid depth.


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Dec 18, 2013
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irving is also a rfa...pace has shown his willingness to build through the draft, he uses free agency as a temporary stop gap or 1-2yr prove it deals to lessen risk. Norwell is a prime example, paying him upwards of 13 mill is not something i see pace doing. Prince's play has been above average and i dont see why pace would move away from him unless his demands are unreasonable. NB is another spot where they dont have a need, callahan is playing well and leblanc is solid depth.

I don't disagree with Pace building through the draft. Irving is indeed an RFA but Dallas don't have a huge amount of salary cap space though they may well cut Bryant. The Bears may be able to take advantage as the 'Boys also have to re-sign or franchise tag Lawrence.

Pace has used free agency as a temporary stop gap in the last few years because they've been no where near close enough to compete and so understandably hasn't wanted to handicap the Bears going forward. This was sensible. He's also not been able to attract the really talented players either due to the Bears being so bad. The Bears now have a potential franchise QB, a new exciting coaching staff and a huge amount of salary cap space to step it up a level.

Remember that Pace is coming off 3 losing seasons. He's fine for now but management won't put up with it forever. The time for him to make a serious splash is now. Take look at the Eagles. They're in the SB and FA whilst not the be all and end all has definitely helped them get there I think.

You may well be right on Norwell. We shall see. However you save $8m of that by cutting Sitton who is 5 years older. Fulton is a reasonable option but let's not pretend he's Norwell. We also don't pay our OTs that much. Finally how confident is anyone here in the longevity of Kyle Long? I am not though I'd like him to be around for another few years.

Amukamara's play has been above average. Unfortunately that's where it ends. He doesn't make many plays though better pass rush may help him next season. I'd have no problem in re-signing him but Breeland is another level up. He'll likely cost $5m more but cutting Cooper and not paying Amukamara help mitigate that. I am trying to make the Bears defence better. They've been good but we need better than that. Getting Davenport and Ejiofor in the draft should help but let's not forget they'd both be rookies.

NB isn't a major need and Callahan is definitely the cheaper option. His problem like quite a few Bears is unfortunately more about staying on the field. I do like him as a NB though.

My suggestions are simply based around raising the overall quality of the roster and it's depth. Robey-Coleman is the first player I drop from my FA wish list if it starts to become unaffordable. Then I'd likely consider Brice Butler for Allen Robinson instead but only because Robinson is coming off the back of a serious injury like Meredith.
