Does anyone even know what Kobe is laughing about in those GIFs?
He's not laughing, he's "dissecting the game"
IDK about the first one but in the second they are laughing at the complete posterization that Shannon Brown put on someone. You see that every time any player on any team has a huge dunk on someone.
You also see it a lot when a clearly dominant player is constantly laying his nuts on the foreheads of inferior opponents a la LeBron James.
You never see Kobe or Wade dance on the court during a game(LeBron baseline against Drew Gooden two years ago).
Ok, but you see Kobe and Wade and countless others "disrespect" other players in different ways (both Kobe gif's), so it's LeBron's fault that he's just doing it in a different way? That's a little hypocritical don't you think?
Jordan may have talked trashand disrespected players
Yes, he did. To other players, teammates, referees, and front office personnel. He also lambasted teammates and organizational higher-ups he didn't like multiple times, and often used the media to do it. These are things LeBron has never been said to do.
but he never disrespected the game of basketball,
Uhhh, you mean OTHER than when he got caught gambling on NBA games, right?
How, exactly? By expressing the same amount of playful giddiness that other players exhibit in the same amount (or more), but just in a different way?
And don't come back with the "he didn't shake the Magic's hands" incident, either. That was one solitary issue, and even Dwight Howard came out in the media as understanding of LeBron's decision. Let it go.
Ive never seen such sideline mockery and foolishness.
Really? How many NBA games do you watch in a season? Also, do you watch those games on TV or in person, and how often do you do each? I highly doubt LeBron is the first player to do the type of things everyone is all up in arms about.
BTW Jordan, Kobe and Wade all have one thing in common and LeBron is missing it...Guess what it is???

First of all: no one here is saying that LeBron is better than Jordan, Kobe and Wade. No one. Secondly, LEBRON IS TWENTY FIVE YEARS OLD! Wade got his first (and possibly ONLY) ring at age 24, Kobe at 21 and MJ at 27. Ok, so he's a bit behind Kobe and Wade in terms of rings, big deal.
Finally, basketball is a TEAM GAME. It can be heavily influenced by one player, yes, but it is nearly impossible for a single player to win a championship all by himself. Using championships as a comparative tool across players is by its nature giving those players too much credit or blame for the accomplishments of the rest of their team.