Leonardo DiCaprio finally wins an oscar


I hate acronyms
Oct 17, 2010
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Greenville, NC
The Basketball Diaries was excellent.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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People that ***** about the oscars/Hollywood < pile of poop.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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My only interest in the oscars was Fury road getting respect.
Hopefully it means Oscars=interest=money=more mad max movies.

Been waiting for that for 30 years, and it was fucking worth it. Best. Movie. Ever.

Spunky Porkstacker

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Jun 6, 2010
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NW Burbs
My only interest in the oscars was Fury road getting respect.
Hopefully it means Oscars=interest=money=more mad max movies.

Been waiting for that for 30 years, and it was fucking worth it. Best. Movie. Ever.

I've had it on my DVR for a few weeks but haven't got around to watching it.

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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My only interest in the oscars was Fury road getting respect.
Hopefully it means Oscars=interest=money=more mad max movies.

Been waiting for that for 30 years, and it was fucking worth it. Best. Movie. Ever.

I love Theron.......... She is just damn beautiful. I watched a shoot of her in a Vogue magazine video and she has got it all!!! She reminds me a lot of Grace Kelly:)

The Hawk

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Jan 21, 2014
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Southern California
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IMO Fury Road was not deserving of a nom. It's entertaining but not Oscar worthy.

True, but Theron was still a goddess without one arm and getting all kinds of shit thrown at her:)


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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IMO Fury Road was not deserving of a nom. It's entertaining but not Oscar worthy.

For best picture... maybe not. There were a couple small warts that took me out of the story.

For visuals and effects... absolutely.

they built and destroyed all those vehicles, and ripped across the dessert with Tom Hardys head inches off the turf.

As for the story- every word matters. every shot matters. there was zero fluff. Brilliant and efficient story telling.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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True, but Theron was still a goddess without one arm and getting all kinds of shit thrown at her:)

she was hot as ****- I would take her any day of the week over any other woman on that war rig.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I've had it on my DVR for a few weeks but haven't got around to watching it.

It is awesome.
Admittedly, I am biased, but I thought it was fucking great.

the vehicles alone are worth checking it out.

*** neat little tidbit that Miller tossed out to the old school fans in this movie.
The main bad guy was the main bad guy in the first mad max movie (same actor, different character. not the first time he has done that)

In fury road, Max has nightmares. they show a quick scene of one with eyes bugging out and hands slapping down around the eyes.
The bugged out eyes in Max's nightmare is a lightning fast bit of re-used footage from the 79 movie, where the toecutter is killed.

Just thought it was a neat thing to throw in and I placed it immediately at the theater- had to go home and watch the old movie to make sure. (30 seconds in to the clip)



Discoverer of Dragosaurs
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Aug 20, 2012
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I think the people that didn't like Fury Road missed several things (airtime brought up a couple):

1) We're so used to watching movies so packed with CGI that we've become numb to how incredibly impressive practical effects can be (seriously, pretty much everything you [hypothetical you] assumed was CGI in that film was actually done). Flame spitting guitar? Yep. Gigantic mutant semis? Yup. Those assholes on poles flopping around on top of speeding vehicles? **** yeah! Every one of said vehicles exploding/flipping? Absolutely!!! Those nutjobs built all of that shit and figured out how to make it all fly in impressive fashion.

2) Cinematography. Yes, this connects back to point 1, but seriously? As difficult as it was to design a single sequence in which several actual guys on dirt bikes jump over a big-rig spitting flames, you also have to catch it on film as well. And they did that and more.

3) All of his flashbacks hearkened back to the earlier flicks (not just the actual footage, but character referencing). As Max came closer to redemption through his good deeds in this film the number and frequency of "visions" decreased steadily. Excellent device that most missed! (some thought the absence of flashbacks throughout the film an issue considering how often they occur in the first act, but I thought that was very tactful if you consider the story arc). It seems that most that complain about the plot lacking missed a whole lot of subtlety that was going on including this and more.

I won't get into the political/social commentary concerned, but as much as the entire series is presented as completely asinine action films there really is quite a bit going on in the middle and background if you pay enough attention.

Not saying it should have won best film or anything like that, but it requires more examination from anyone that may not have appreciated it as much as they, perhaps, should have.


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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3) All of his flashbacks hearkened back to the earlier flicks (not just the actual footage, but character referencing). As Max came closer to redemption through his good deeds in this film the number and frequency of "visions" decreased steadily. Excellent device that most missed! (some thought the absence of flashbacks throughout the film an issue considering how often they occur in the first act, but I thought that was very tactful if you consider the story arc). It seems that most that complain about the plot lacking missed a whole lot of subtlety that was going on including this and more.

The entire plot arc had a ton of subtlety that many missed.
The girl in the flashbacks was not his child- he lost his child before the war- but he at some point took her in. She called him "max" in the early flashbacks, but as he got closer to redemption, as he made the decision to chase down the others and lead them back to the citadel and a better life, she at that point referred to him as "Paw".

Another thing about "the daughter"... she saved his life via flashbacks... the hand to the head whenever she appeared.

Another subtlety was when it was cemented that Nux was a dead man- The night before max was to split from the women, he told Furiosa that "hope was a mistake- if you cannot fix what is broken..."
The next day, when Max chased them down, laid out his plan, Nux replied "it feels like hope". You knew then he was a dead man.

I have watched the movie many times- and I love the minimalist story telling. It is the exact opposite of most movies out there, where they explicitly explain plot points, and beat you over the head with the symbolism (think matrix- neo as jesus... so ham fisted... "the one", the coming to life, and finally having the robots carry him off in a crucifix pose).
The story is all there, you just have to listen and pay attention.

The other thing I really enjoyed was the way Immortan Joe had a stranglehold on his people. Give them what they need to live, but not enough to thrive and rebel. Take in dying young men, give them a purpose and a good life in exchange for devotion and afterlife. Even the over the top Doof wagon, blasting battle music- on its face looks ridiculous, but it is an imposing psychological weapon that has been used by real armies throughout history.
Giant, over the top vehicles wasting scarce resources as a statement that this war party has more provisions than you could imagine.

The entire power structure makes absolute sense once you look beyond the surface and envision what would scare people in to submission in that world.


Minister of Archaic Titillations
Aug 20, 2012
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Air bringing da fire and da passion to da Oscar thread! Love it! Gotta say that I did not realize all the effects were not CGI. I saw MM in theaters. I will now rewatch.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Air bringing da fire and da passion to da Oscar thread! Love it! Gotta say that I did not realize all the effects were not CGI. I saw MM in theaters. I will now rewatch.

Yeah- I was mad max for my last 3 years of trick or treating as a kid. So remember, you are reading the word of a guy insanely biased towards enjoying the film.

The background is cg, but the stunts themselves are not- there was an article about the filming of the scene where Furiosa is holding max upside down out the window of the truck- Tom hardy's kid was watching the filming of that scene, with tom suspended by a line while they were driving. Tom's kid asked "what happens if it breaks"
Miller replied casually "he would probably go under the tires".

They shot the film in sequence due to that as well- all cars that were destroyed had to get their shots in chronological order. (there is a mistake however- after the sand storm, furiosa is banging the dust out of the air cleaner and breaks the screen- it is intact the rest of the movie).

Here is the tanker truck getting blown to bits pre- edit. (even though it is not referenced in the film, it is a mobile refinery- refining gas on the go. evidently it has every element needed to actually do so included in the build of the vehicle.)


I liked the movie so damn much I built the bobblehead Nux has on his dashboard... move it from vehicle to vehicle with me depending on what I am driving that day.



CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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As a guy that generally like sci fi and liked the original films, this version of Mad Max was just missing something for me. Definitely didn't think it was Best Picture worthy but certainly thought the effects and the technical aspects of filmmaking were well done. And as a guy that loves Tom Hardy, he didn't quite seem like the right guy for the role as he seems to always be in a bad mood so I think his performance was missing some of the flair and hope that Gibson had in the original.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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As a guy that generally like sci fi and liked the original films, this version of Mad Max was just missing something for me. Definitely didn't think it was Best Picture worthy but certainly thought the effects and the technical aspects of filmmaking were well done. And as a guy that loves Tom Hardy, he didn't quite seem like the right guy for the role as he seems to always be in a bad mood so I think his performance was missing some of the flair and hope that Gibson had in the original.

I view your take on the personality a little different- you are right that Hardy was more nihilist on the face of things.
But Max was always a grudging ally that facilitated everyone elses escape, freedom, or redemption.

Mad max was a revenge flick. Zero redemption.

Road warrior, he was a "scavenger living off the corpse of the old world"... no interest in helping anyone. He shunned his eventual savior, the Gyro captain. He ditched the compound. Only when he lost everything and had zero options did he throw in with them.
He left them to continue without him, so that he can continue to live alone.

In thunderdome, he just wanted his shit back. He wanted to hole up with the kids, and live life in a canyon. The children searched for more, and he was begrudgingly brought along to save them. When he got them beyond the reach of Aunt Entity, he was content to scavenge once more- He had no interest in moving beyond the wasteland in to the new world.

Fury road- again, he wanted his shit back, and against his better judgement, reclaimed the vulvani from the barren wastelands and facilitated the capture of the citadel and the birth of a new paradise, leaving when the outcome was secured.

You see- facilitator of redemption is Max's role- he is a product of the wasteland who occasionally is compelled to serve justice and hope. Hope and future were lost to him the day the Toecutter ran down his wife and son- he can redeem others, but will never redeem himself. The movies are named for max- but the stories belong to the redeemed.


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Sep 15, 2012
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That's not what I am getting at though. Gibson's Mad Max personality seemed to fit more with the character and movie IMO ie he had some humor in him and he had some flair at times that balanced the more depressing moments and fit the over the top theme of the movie.

Hardy just seemed to be the same brooding malcontent he seems to play in a lot of his movies so it basically felt like I was watching Tom Hardy and not Mad Max. I usually don't mind it because Hardy typically picks roles where that kind of personality actually fits but I thought it was a mismatch for this movie. It was like being at a party where everyone is wasted and Tom Hardy walks in as the only sober person in the room and then remains sober for the whole party. Mad Max is an over the top movie and it was just odd watching the one guy not being over the time at any point being Mad Max. I thought he was too serious for the entire movie.

That's just my preference though as I get others might enjoy that portrayal.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
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I agree with Remy a bit. I enjoyed this movie very much. I did prefer the old Max but that's just personal taste I suppose. I usually hate when they change a character. The only exception being some of the Bonds.
I don't know if Mel was approached for the roll but an old Max would have been cool.

Even so... Great franchise and fun movie... Glad to see it recognized.
