care to enlighten us? lol
First, I have to explain that I do not support the system as is, because, like Uman kindly quoted me, it is a broken system.
But for someone to come into the US from Mexico, who has a currency and cost of living far lesser than ours, need approximately $50,000 in permits to become legal. This is after a lot of legal fees, and some even have some idea of the large fees, save up, and end up getting taken by border coyotes that traffic them.
We're talking about honest people for the most part. For them to become legal is almost impossible, and for some people, they have little choice as to where they go, because their homes are destroyed because of things that we do in the US to kill their legitimate industries.
We also allow students to get a degree here, but we kick them out after they graduate? Wait a minute, don't we need skilled workers that can help GROW the economy?
Just think of it this way. Put yourself in their situation, would you do it too?
Now get back to being in your situation currently, if you knew that some of our laws and practices create the bad side of immigration, wouldn't you want to fix that first? Such as the so-called drug war that is as corrupt as can be, funds cartel and builds up mobsters allover the borders. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE WE DON'T WANT, yet, when you're rolling in money from illegal trade,
buying the documents is no problem! Sounds ass backwards to me. Giving welfare to people who border jump, in the name of "humanity", those are also the people we don't want. We want everyone to pull their weight, and if they come here, they need to make the effort to live by our rules and culture and learn english. My parents had to learn english, because of them, I had to learn their native language LMAO, but thats how it works, it's not asking too much of someone, even if they are full grown adults, ESPECIALLY WHEN THE TWO LANGUAGES ARE DERIVED OFF THE SAME STRUCTURES! LMAO! Spanish<-->English is the easiest transition, so there should be no excuse.
Now we also have this problem with local politicians who allow the human trafficking for farms and factories here. Even where the politicians aren't allowing it, it happens anyways. It just costs WAY to much money to enforce border security to have a 0% illegal immigrant rate, and to which, that takes away our freedoms, makes it harder for us to trade and visit with Mexico, and further takes away from our freedoms.
The simplest solution would be to allow the market to thrive, cut off entitlements, and enforce the taxation on sales. Then we would be begging for them to come here and work. We have the advantage of starting the business because we are established, they don't. There is your cheap and willing labor to get your business off the ground, and compete with the rest of the market. But we need a lot to happen to reach those goals, mainly, is our understanding of the system, and how it punishes the honest immigrants and invites the criminals over.