Matt Nagy or Bears fining Late players?


Aug 13, 2010
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Matt Nagy has gone Bill Belichick…

After the Rodgers statement Halas Hall may have realized that accountability is needed.


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May 10, 2014
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I’m fine with fining a player for being late, if that’s the type of shop you’re running. Everybody should know the expectation.

Even if you think it’s dumb to fine someone over being a minute late, it’s even more dumb for the aggrieved party to blast it out on social media. It’s not smart, and it’s indicative of the type of lack of discipline we see on the field most Sundays.


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Oct 29, 2017
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Madison, WI
And then posted it on social media. This looks worse on JJ than it does on Nagy to be completely honest.
Nah, JJ will for sure be on the team next year. This shit is just helping to push Nagy out the door.

In all honesty, Nagy is probably already shit canned, but we know the Bears brass won't officially do it until Black Monday.

Gustavus Adolphus

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Here's my deal.

Is JJ usually on time, and once was late by 1 minute? Then this is a great way to lose a team.

If JJ usually is running late, which means there is more to the story, then yeah, even if its by a minute, its justified.

But for the whole "big deal, be on time" crowd - Tom Coughlin lost the locker room over stuff EXACTLY like this.

Most coaches would call the player out in the middle of the room for being late, give them the business for 10 seconds, then have them sit down. Fines wouldn't come unless its a repeat problem. So the real question is if JJ is someone always "a little late" or if this just was one time where he was off by one minute, and got Tom Coughlined...
I certainly hope for your sake that you have no posts about Nagy holding players accountable. It’d be embarrassing if you did.


Variant Also Negotiates
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To fine, not to fine, is he always late , was this a one time deal that is not the elephant in the room. What is, is one of your young stars calling out his HC on social media. He has lost this team, Foles yelling at him on the sidelines, Foles and Dalton discussing the shit offense for cameras to see, players calling him out on social media, when has this ever happened with a successful HC? Never. I fully expect the cracks in the locker room to become fissures after the inevitable ass whooping coming this weekend and chasms by the time they are 4 -8.



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Oct 29, 2017
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Madison, WI
I’m fine with fining a player for being late, if that’s the type of shop you’re running. Everybody should know the expectation.

Even if you think it’s dumb to fine someone over being a minute late, it’s even more dumb for the aggrieved party to blast it out on social media. It’s not smart, and it’s indicative of the type of lack of discipline we see on the field most Sundays.
Isn't Nagy almost always late to his Monday podium times anyways? I mean, he's not one to talk.


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May 10, 2014
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Guys, people who are late are usually chronically late. Sure, maybe they’re only late a few minutes. But they’re probably late every day.

Who knows whether JJ fits into this. Maybe he’s a few minutes late every day and they’ve talked to him about it multiple times, and this was finally the time to show him you’re not bluffing about requiring him to be on time. Who knows?

But we all know those people who are 5-10 minutes late to work every single day. Even if they’re otherwise good workers, those people are absolutely looked down on by their coworkers. And if you don’t think so, you either work in a unique setting or you *are* the chronically late person.


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Oct 29, 2017
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Madison, WI
Worked 32 years in construction. 1 time I was late. Being on time is a simple freaking process.
I mean shit can happen. I'm like you. Never call in, never late. Then one day I forgot to set my alarm and you'd swear I murdered the boss' kids or something.


CCS Donator
Aug 14, 2010
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What’s the difference? Late is late. I’ve sent men home for being late without a phone call. I didn’t put up with people being late.
The other part that people are missing is the tweet reads “8:16” who starts work at 8:15? My guess is that work actually starts at 8:00 but there is a 15 min grace period like a lot of employers use and after the grace period you get a point, right up, or fine in this case. So yeah technically 8:15 is still ok but 8:16 is 16 min late.


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Nov 5, 2012
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Trestman would have used this as an opportunity to discuss how time is a subjective, self imposed, and man made construct with the team.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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Guys, people who are late are usually chronically late. Sure, maybe they’re only late a few minutes. But they’re probably late every day.

Who knows whether JJ fits into this. Maybe he’s a few minutes late every day and they’ve talked to him about it multiple times, and this was finally the time to show him you’re not bluffing about requiring him to be on time. Who knows?

But we all know those people who are 5-10 minutes late to work every single day. Even if they’re otherwise good workers, those people are absolutely looked down on by their coworkers. And if you don’t think so, you either work in a unique setting or you *are* the chronically late person.

The problem here is a bunch of people are projecting their own issues with time management onto the situation.

There are ways to discipline the player without fining them.

We don't know what's going on in the locker room right now and whether or not this behavior was tolerated before.

Point of the matter is, it's too late in Nagys tenure to lay down the law now if he was not as strict prior. The players will feel like it's an act of a coach who knows he's going to be fired and is desperately trying to save his job. And that will just feed into the team quitting on him.

If he was going to change things up and be stricter, hopefully this wasn't the way the team found out. Hopefully he was smart enough to address them first and let them know these sort of things would be coming because at least then it gives them the heads up and he won't lose the team.

But just the vibe of the whole thing doesn't make me think that's how it went down.

Y'all are focused on the fact that he was late by a minute. What I'm talking about is the dynamic of how nagy handles players.

Doesn't matter how much you want to lecture everyone about being punctual. If this is how the players find out that he suddenly changing things on them this is going to sow discontent in the locker room.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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I mean shit can happen. I'm like you. Never call in, never late. Then one day I forgot to set my alarm and you'd swear I murdered the boss' kids or something.
I mean that's just it. Life happens.


Dissed membered
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To me, this all hinges on if it's happened before with a warning(s).


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Montgomery, TX
One minute dude. He was late by 1 minute.
I hear you. And I used to be okay thinking it was okay being late by a minute too, until I grew up and realized that it made me appear unreliable to everyone else in the meeting who busted their tails getting there on time who were waiting for me. If there are 10 people in a meeting waiting on you and you're late by just one minute, you've just collectively wasted 10 minutes of everyone else's time.

Mighty Joe Young

Living in Troll's Heads Rent-Free for Decades
Feb 8, 2021
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I hear you. And I used to be okay thinking it was okay being late by a minute too, until I grew up and realized that it made me appear unreliable to everyone else in the meeting who busted their tails getting there on time who were waiting for me. If there are 10 people in a meeting waiting on you and you're late by just one minute, you've just collectively wasted 10 minutes of everyone else's time.

But that's different from an NFL locker room. Keep in mind - no one is really criticizing Nagy for fining a late player - its about HOW he did it.

If JJ was constantly late, then sure, this is deserved. If Nagy said to the team earlier in the week or the year that they were going to be cracking down on people being late with no exceptions, then sure, this is deserved.

However, if JJ was late by 1 minute, and this was the first time he was late, and this is how he let JJ know (and thereby the team locker room know), you'd be a fool to think that this isn't going to start to turn the locker room against Nagy.

Spitta Andretti

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I dont know why you're still arguing this

Fining players for being late is super common and was already said


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Aug 20, 2012
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That’s just sheer stupidity, instead of holding them accountable for what they do in game. The fine you for being one minute late!? Nagy is such a fucking idiot.
If Mr Johnson had no idea he'd be fined for being late, I could see an issue. But since he didn't mention it, I kinda doubt it.

I don't know how things work there, so hard to say...
Still I don't think I'd like the LATE being assigned based on entering the building, but rather being in the classroom or on the field, or wherever. People can adjust their speed and routine based on how much time they have once they get in. You can get to the building early and still be late for where you need be. People can darn well adjust being a minute late entering the building.

Having said that, discipline is pretty much a universal application... I mean discipline on the field, in practice, etc is going to be important or not. There's going to be guiderails. We see mistakes on the field, so let Nagy be a HC.


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Aug 20, 2012
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But that's different from an NFL locker room. Keep in mind - no one is really criticizing Nagy for fining a late player - its about HOW he did it.

If JJ was constantly late, then sure, this is deserved. If Nagy said to the team earlier in the week or the year that they were going to be cracking down on people being late with no exceptions, then sure, this is deserved.

However, if JJ was late by 1 minute, and this was the first time he was late, and this is how he let JJ know (and thereby the team locker room know), you'd be a fool to think that this isn't going to start to turn the locker room against Nagy.
Agreed. And I highly doubt this was the teams' introduction to the rule. I'd most definitely give the HC the benefit of the doubt until I saw convincing evidence to the contrary. Nobody gets to be an NFL HC who hasn't been reasonably competent.
