I'll be interviewing people regularly, so if you have any questions you'd like to ask players, you can simply email me and I'll see if I can work it in or rephrase it to find out the answer you want.
I've found that it's often difficult to get players to answer the question as you ask it, and you need to ask it in the right way to avoid a completely canned answer at times.
The reason being around the players regularly isn't quite the luxury as you think is that for the most part, they aren't really there. They spend their entire time with you out of obligation and can't wait to get out the door. As a fan you imagine being friends with them or joking with them and getting to know them.
Yet, you can't ever have that relationship with them. There are probably some exceptions if you're a full time media member at a major outlet like ESPN or sports illustrated or if you're a full time beat writer and see them everyday, but it takes almost no time whatsoever for seeing these guys to become a job rather than some type of fantasy experience. 95% of that is over with after your first experience.
I do regret that I didn't have this opportunity a year ago though. If I had the same opportunity when I was a full time consultant, I would be at practice everyday working and crafting stories. Sadly I don't have the time to commit to that.