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Didn't catch this live... what a joke.
Didn't catch this live... what a joke.
Fuckin pussy acting like he got shot to sell a major... I'm sick and tired of teams doing this in the playoffs. If it was so serious why did he finish the game?
Shaw has a disciplinary hearing today.
"Smith battling his was back up".... shut the **** up Foley and call it what it is.
Saad can play now, his team is out of the playoffs
Yeah I don't buy that. There's nothing to sell, that was a shoot out. He just got punked by a great move, that's all. Wasn't looking to get any call or anything. Unless he said something after the game about it.
Like I said, I don't think it was as much acting as it was a reaction of just being made to look bad by a star player, he wasn't motioning for any penalty or that he was slashed and unless he said something afterwards, I just don't buy that. The Shaw hit, that was a hit to the head. That's not saying Shaw was looking to do that,but there's no reason he would need to act like he's hurt to stop the play and have a penalty be called on that, his damn equipment went flying off him from the impact.
So that said, now we're putting ourselves in the position of criticizing a player who is down from a hit to the head that he is faking the severity of it. You really want to do that, considering how hard we come down on other idiots in the NHL over the past year or so criticizing Seabrook for "playing dead" after he took headshots from Torres and Wiz and/or getting back into the game almost immediately after? Let's be smarter than that at least.
playes for contact to get the goal waived
With all of the various hits and infractions going on in the playoffs, having a hearing for Shaws play. Really?
So wait, now there's a time limit? And we have to count how many times his legs move to determine whether he's faking it or not? Again, another huge disconnect in the NHL fandom I will never, ever understand. Hahaha, yeah he "dramatically" went to cover his face.....after getting...hit...in....the face? I want to see someone "casually" do that. I need an example of that in order to determine the authenticity of Smith's hand going to his face.
The NHL may say or think they are past the stone age of rub some dirt on it (which is debatable), but the fan base sure as hell doesn't seem to be. "Yo sissy! Let's go hockey! They fight!!11! GET USED TO IT!!"