[quote name="bookjones"]At some point I was finally able to get over my extreme Whedon fangurling or at least apply some perspective thanks to Dollhouse premiering. Had zero desire to watch it, rent it, view online, etc.---probably because it starred Eliza Dushku who I have never been a fan of because her old Faith character annoyed the shit out of me back in the day. Certainly never bought into the whole "Faith is the shit meme in terms of Buffy/Angel". Couldn't stand the character except for when she was being tortured or having her ass kicked by Angel or else when Welsey was keeping her in a closet and menacingly threatening to take away her bucket, heh. I am content with my own personal Whedonverse beginning with BtVS, Angel, and ending with the brilliant Firefly. . .for now at least.[/quote]
I would give Dollhouse a shot. While I'm content with only 2 seasons of it (it's all it really needed), it's actually a really good story that goes over things like identity, sexual slavery and free-will. I'm saying that as a fan of science fiction and NOT Whedonite... (although I am a big fan of Whedon).
And if your love ends at Firefly, how have you not appreciated/missed the genius of Dr. Horrible?!!?!?!
Faith is awesome. That's just something you'll have to get over... although after following Dushku's twitter feed for the last year or so I do have to say, I find her a bit more... shallow.
[quote name="winos5"]The Losers - Worth a netflix or on cable, but nothing unique or surprising aboot it. Zoe Saldana is easy on the eyes.[/quote]
I actually really liked The Losers (although I will admit a good part of that is because of Zoe) but I agree, there's no realy new ground being broken here. Speaking of this kind of movie...
I can't believe how much I enjoyed RED (which stand for, "Retired, Extremely Dangerous"). I went in not expecting much and left really glad I went. Malkovich steals this movie away from everyone... every scene he's in is hilarious. The relationship between Bruce Willis and Mary Louise Parker seemed a touch contrived, but ultimately it worked. If you're a fan of the spy/heist/team action movie, I would definitely recommend.