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the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Not sure about the new Superman movie.


I think it will do is Superman afterall. Nolan has his hands on this project so that's going to bring in movie goers also as will Zack Snyders name. That's a better trailer than the first one which was just a teaser. Still need a better trailer to sway me though to see it in theatres. I don't like Kevin Costner at all so that's a downside for me. I don't want to hear Costner telling philisophical tales.

Henry Cavill is an interesting pick for the roll. Not a huge Hollywood name (although slowly growing) which is good. Seeing I don't know much about him it sort of makes me want to see the film to see what he can do. This will be the roll that boosts him into stardom.

The trailer has me feeling this is as 1st instalment much like the Batman Begins film.

I'm not a huge comic book to film fan but Superman was a draw for me as a kid as I loved the Christopher Reeve films (never read the comics). Obviously this one is more modern and stylized for the time. It will be a pretty film by the looks of some shots in that trailer.

No Richard Pryor might hurt the film.

I would like to know who the antagonists are going to be in this film and how they approach that. Are we going to see the likes of Lex Luthor? Doomsday? Is this going to be a franchise like the Dark Knight? Lot's of questions. Oh just saw we are getting General happy with that and that makes sense for this film. Michael Shannon will be perfect for that roll also..hes a great choice. That's exciting. You need a good actor and an interesting one to make an antagonist in these types of films.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I think it will do is Superman afterall. Nolan has his hands on this project so that's going to bring in movie goers also as will Zack Snyders name. That's a better trailer than the first one which was just a teaser. Still need a better trailer to sway me though to see it in theatres. I don't like Kevin Costner at all so that's a downside for me. I don't want to hear Costner telling philisophical tales.

Henry Cavill is an interesting pick for the roll. Not a huge Hollywood name (although slowly growing) which is good. Seeing I don't know much about him it sort of makes me want to see the film to see what he can do. This will be the roll that boosts him into stardom.

The trailer has me feeling this is as 1st instalment much like the Batman Begins film.

I'm not a huge comic book to film fan but Superman was a draw for me as a kid as I loved the Christopher Reeve films (never read the comics). Obviously this one is more modern and stylized for the time. It will be a pretty film by the looks of some shots in that trailer.

No Richard Pryor might hurt the film.

I would like to know who the antagonists are going to be in this film and how they approach that. Are we going to see the likes of Lex Luthor? Doomsday? Is this going to be a franchise like the Dark Knight? Lot's of questions. Oh just saw we are getting General happy with that and that makes sense for this film. Michael Shannon will be perfect for that roll also..hes a great choice. That's exciting. You need a good actor and an interesting one to make an antagonist in these types of films.

Or boost him into anonymity. You are aware they did make another Superman movie right(after C. Reeve Supermans)? With Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, That movie was shit and that actor that played superman is Gone. Last thing I saw him in was Dylan Dog(another shitty movie) and some bit parts(like playing a *** guy in Zack and Miri make a porno).

This is further proof to me Writers for movies need more credit. The actors could have all the talent in the world, but if they are in a shit movie it can ruin their career, likewise, shit actors can be in an amazing movie and have it launch their careers.

I will argue to my dying day Brad Pitt is a shitty actor, hes just pretty and has been in some good movies.


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Jul 24, 2010
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I'm not the biggest Superman fan to begin with and after seeing Nolan was involved made me have even more doubts about it, but one thing that actually pleasantly surprised me in that trailer was Superman handcuffed and being held by the military or some agency. I believe that's also the first official poster for the movie and I have to say that's a pretty damn good accurate representation of Superman in a single image. That makes me feel like he might not miss the mark on staying true to the character as he did with Batman.


CCS Donator
May 15, 2010
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Or boost him into anonymity. You are aware they did make another Superman movie right(after C. Reeve Supermans)? With Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, That movie was shit and that actor that played superman is Gone. Last thing I saw him in was Dylan Dog(another shitty movie) and some bit parts(like playing a *** guy in Zack and Miri make a porno).

This is further proof to me Writers for movies need more credit. The actors could have all the talent in the world, but if they are in a shit movie it can ruin their career, likewise, shit actors can be in an amazing movie and have it launch their careers.

I will argue to my dying day Brad Pitt is a shitty actor, hes just pretty and has been in some good movies.
I would mostly agree with the whole of his work, but also counter-argue his performances in: Interview with a Vampire, 12 Monkeys, Se7en, Sleepers, and Fight Club.


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May 14, 2010
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If you want to play the who's benefited from being in good movies argument but is a shitty actor I would vote Nicolas Cage. Although, he's been in some shit films as well. Maybe Ben Affleck close behind (much better director than actor).

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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If you want to play the who's benefited from being in good movies argument but is a shitty actor I would vote Nicolas Cage. Although, he's been in some shit films as well. Maybe Ben Affleck close behind (much better director than actor).

Ben Affleck yes. Cage had some winning rolls earlier in his career. Good films? Yes but he also brought good acting to them. He lost his shit when he went for the big dollar action films. Movies like Raising Arizona, Moonstruck, Rumble Fish, he was really good in. His best acting roll in the last 10 years was in Adaptation. He just sucks in these action adventure/suspense movies he always does. But he's making his $$$. But yes more often than not Cage has sucked.

As I complained about earlier Kevin Costners is in my mind the shittiest actor who has for some reason gained star status. I can't think of one of his films he really made a difference in as an actor. A roll no one else could have pulled off. Can't think of one film. What is he best known for (excluding shitty Water World)? Field of dreams...not a complicated roll. Bull Durham...not a complicated roll. The Untouchables...not a complicated roll. Dances With Wolves...he was decent in it but still not a very complicated roll. JFK...anyone could have managed that roll. I've never ever been lost in a Kevin Costner character. By that I mean watching him play a character where you forget you are watching Kevin Costner play a character. Always just see Kevin Costner on screen. That's a sure sign of a shitty actor.

the canadian dream

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May 15, 2010
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Or boost him into anonymity. You are aware they did make another Superman movie right(after C. Reeve Supermans)? With Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor, That movie was shit and that actor that played superman is Gone. Last thing I saw him in was Dylan Dog(another shitty movie) and some bit parts(like playing a *** guy in Zack and Miri make a porno).

This is further proof to me Writers for movies need more credit. The actors could have all the talent in the world, but if they are in a shit movie it can ruin their career, likewise, shit actors can be in an amazing movie and have it launch their careers.

I will argue to my dying day Brad Pitt is a shitty actor, hes just pretty and has been in some good movies.

Yah that Superman movie was built to fail from the get go because it was written as a sequel to Reeves Superman I and II films. No one wanted to see that because it also ignored the 2 other Reeve films which came after the first two. It was a cluster **** of an idea to begin with. Those Supermans died when Reeves was critically injured and then passed away...there was no way it was going to be successful with an entire new cast playing into the story line. The new story line was also hot garbage.

Agree 100% though about writers in film deserving much more credit in the industry. I'm amazed how often they get so little credit for something which pretty much is the backbone of the industry.

The new Superman is going to ride on the success of the Dark Knight trilogy and that style. May not do as well as that trilogy and it may not even do as well as the Reeve Supermans but it's going to stand on it's own feet under a new style and that is what the Superman franchise needs..not a Reeve Superman rip off film like the one in 2008.


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May 14, 2010
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Watched The Beginners last night. Didn't like much about it. Extremely slow and boring.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
I loved the book (yah I said it) and this is probably going to be a big disappointment but Im still going to watch it.


You just want to see Kristin Stewart's naughty bits....


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
If you want to play the who's benefited from being in good movies argument but is a shitty actor I would vote Nicolas Cage. Although, he's been in some shit films as well. Maybe Ben Affleck close behind (much better director than actor).

Hes pretty much abandoned the "Art" at this point. He was massively in debt after the financial crisis and has been making direct to dvd films as well as the occational theater release. I was reading something about him and he was in 12 movies last year(or something it was alot), and I cant name one of them.

EDIT: He FILMED a ton of movies in 2012 (he was only in one released in 2012). He was in 5 in 2011.

Hes officially done. He is starring in a remake of Kirk Camerons Left Behind in 2013.


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May 14, 2010
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I watched Super. Good cast, average movie, but had some really hilarious parts. It was good for a movie to get out of a cookie cutter script of doing exactly what you though. There were a few times during it I was like holy shit that just happened. Which was awesome, and the cast good but overall it's just above average. Worth watching if you have the time, just don't have high expectations. It's basically Rainn WIlson becomes a super hero when his wife live tyler leaves him for kevin bacon and Ellen Page becomes his sidekick, but there is a lot more to it than that.

Also watched the Kings of Leon documentary Talihina Sky or something like that. As far as rock documentaries go I thought it was good and very interesting. So crazy to see the dichotomy of their family and what they have come from to where they are. It's a good doc, but only if you are a fan of them.


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May 14, 2010
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I absolutely hated Super. I found it pretty damn boring.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
I watched Super. Good cast, average movie, but had some really hilarious parts. It was good for a movie to get out of a cookie cutter script of doing exactly what you though. There were a few times during it I was like holy shit that just happened. Which was awesome, and the cast good but overall it's just above average. Worth watching if you have the time, just don't have high expectations. It's basically Rainn WIlson becomes a super hero when his wife live tyler leaves him for kevin bacon and Ellen Page becomes his sidekick, but there is a lot more to it than that.

Also watched the Kings of Leon documentary Talihina Sky or something like that. As far as rock documentaries go I thought it was good and very interesting. So crazy to see the dichotomy of their family and what they have come from to where they are. It's a good doc, but only if you are a fan of them.

I had to stop the movie and rub one out, and I kind of felt like a pedo despite her being in her 20's.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Watched Total Recall, MIB3 and The Watch this weekend. Don't recommend any of them.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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I watched Batman Year One cause I liked the graphic novel. IT was a good 1 hour animated movie, and a great cast. Can't believe they got it all for 3.5 mil.
