With the holiday break I usually catch up on a few flick and hit the theaters often. This week I saw Les Misérables, Argo, This is 40, Hitchcock, and Hobbit I in the theaters.
Les Misérables - The first movie that was based on the musical. Not too bad if you like the story and do not mind musicals....especially since there is very little non-singing lines. Casting was good and full of many known actors, even in minor roles. The only miscast was Russell Crowe, but they also truncated his part. My biggest beef was that it was cut like a music video....sure it made a long movie fast paced, but it diminished the story at times. Hugh Jackman will get nominated for best actor, and should win. Worth seeing in the theaters.
Argo - A decent an well paced story and filmed well enough. Nothing I would consider Oscar worthy however. Enjoyable enough to see in the theaters, but one can wait.
This is 40 - I wanted to like it, I really did but it was a waste of my matinee pricing money spent. The are some good jokes, and some of the good ones are in the trailers but not in the movie for some reason, by it was 30 min too long in the wrong way. Story was all over the place and everyone just played their same ol' characters they have been playing as of late. Only worth viewing at 3:00 am on cable when one cannot sleep or is drunk.
Hitchcock - loved it, but I also love Hitchcock anyway. Good and interesting story that did a great job with the making of Psycho. Well acted, but not a surprise with the quality actors. Worth seeing in theaters.
Hobbit I - Same overall feel as the other Tolkien flicks Jackson did. Maybe a little too long, but true enough to the story. Not sure how the other two are going to play out...but I will probably wait for cable/netflicks for those. Decent enough to see in the theaters, but nothing too special.