Which 5-6 films/roles do you speak of?
Well it's going to be personal tastes a lot of it as these things often are. But if I made my own list of the characters he portraid on film this would be it. In no particular order accept newest to oldest. Keep in mind I'm not judging the overall film just his performances in them. I would also acknowledge supporting rolls he has done but there are not a whole lot of them which kind of says a lot (he had a little screen time in Ghandi which I forgot until I saw a youtube clip..he did well but not really a spectacular amount of screen time). This list is not including Lincoln where I could add it as he was still good just over-hyped.
1) There Will Be Blood - Daniel Plainview
2) Gangs Of New York - Bill The Butcher
3) In The Name Of The Father - Gerry Conlin
4) The Last Of The Mohicans - Hawkeye
5) My Left Foot - Christy Brown
Im bias remember because I love the guy. Not saying anyone has to like these performances but I certainly have every time I watch them.
I know people either love or hate There Will Be Blood and his performance and that's fine I could see why it's a love or hate film as it's slow moving but I think DDL carried those slow moments by at least making Plainview character interesting to watch because he detailed the character unlike anything I have ever seen on screen. I could go through a list of reasons why I think it was an amazing performance myself but Im tired of making lists!!! Simply put he just lured me into the character of Daniel Plainview and how incredibly complex the character was. Its one of those rolls where you forget you are watching an actor act and that is what it should always be about. Its not DDL on screen it's Daniel Plainview...and by god is that man dark.
The Last Of The Mohicans was actually a really different roll for him. He wasn't even my favorite character in that film and I didn't really love the film overall but I thought he played Hawkeye differently than any other actor would have. He could have really over-acted that one and made it an over the top action adventure character but he didn't. He kept it subtle and I appreciated that. Im not posting a clip for this because i cant find a good one on youtube.
Gangs Of New York, while the film had massive dull moments in it at no time when DDL was on the screen was this the case. He actually saved the film single handed. One of the best antagonist characters in film history in my opinion and the entire film should have focussed on his Bill The Butcher character. I can go on and on about his performance in the film. If I were a film acting teacher I would show every scene he was in. Everyone else in the film suffered because DDL was that damn good.
In The Name Of The Father is a hard roll for any actor to pull off. I'll admit he got a little help acting along side Pete Postlethwaite as Guiseppe. But that was one of the reasons that made it so great (besides the entire film because its awesome!!). I think those two had amazing chemistry together and they sold the father and son friction throughout the film so well. You got to be good to share screen time with Pete Postlethwaite. A lot of other reasons I loved DDL in it but I will save them. Very important film also and important films desire top of the notch acting and actors who take the story passionately and want to tell it not just win oscars.
My Left Foot is simply a legendary performance. Every time we see a film made now based on a true life story of a handicap person the actor playing the main roll is always ripping off DDL's portrayal as Christy Brown. Watch the clip and try to ignore the idiot who put the subtitles in because it ruins the mazing scene.