I have chronic back pain and have for ten years now if not a bit longer.
Get a yoga ball and start working that core. Codeine is shit make your doctor give you oxy for the really bad time periods and dont get addicted to fast. Nothing wrong with drug induced pain vacations every now and then just be careful with the heavier stuff as a preachy ****** like myself will say. Oxy is amazing though.
And once your back is feeling better dont stop working that core. Sorry man but once you screw your back up its going to be a pain in the ass for the rest of your life but it can be controlled well with proper attention. Best you know that reality now and start adjusting lifestyle pronto. Im sure the yoga new agers are telling you yoga..which does help but if you arent into that fully then a yoga ball in your own home can be a great help.
Chiropractics can help, swimming, acupuncture, etc etc. whatever you can find. A holistic approach is the best. I need to get back to paying better attention to my own back also as its acting up again. Seems that long winters get me lazy and neglectful and its hurting again also.
I wish you the best because bad backs are the worst.