My weekly video telling Giants fans they suck.

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Fuck it, Go Deep
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I posted that to see if you would whine about it.

Looks like you did.

Uncle Meatball

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Sep 15, 2010
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And don't waste my time with a "lol u make long-winded posts on a message board, so you're just as much of a meatball" response (even though I know that kind of retort is way too advanced for your mental capacity). You made a statement about me, now explain it.

You mean like this diatribe you just wrote?

No, you said "Please post your comments and tell me what you think." in the same post in which you included a video of you calling Giants fans out, in a thread called "look at my Special person fucking mouth-breathing meatball ass be a fucking worthless piece of mouth-breathing shit on YouTube", or something like that. Then you get all pissy when people respond to your video, after you asked them to post their comments? Give me a break.

Also, if you're decidedly not looking for comments on your video, why did you thank the post from Uncle Meatball above mine which responded directly to your video? Why have you not yelled at him to respond to only what you want him to?

I did, and this marks the second time I have personally had to show you what you said and explain to you exactly what those words and phrases mean.

I'm done explaining your own words to you. Go back and look at your OP, you buffoon, there were no caveats given of any kind regarding the comments (I know I have to emphasize that: you did not give us a specific prompt for comments besides asking for them).

Well that, or the fact that you have a hard time figuring out how to get the keyboard to work. I'm going with the latter.

You decidedly don't. You posted a video to a message board not to discuss how the Giants' secondary matches up against the Bears' wide-outs or anything like that, but rather to "get drunk" and "tell Giants fans they suck". Yeah, you totally know what you're talking about. :rolleyes:

You asked for the comments and gave us no contextual hints whatsoever! Jesus Christ you fucking dip-shit do you even read your own posts?


...which you asked for.

What do you mean "successful"? I don't count "winning games by the hair of one's chin" as success, at least with regards to evaluating a coaching staff. It looks as though we can finally proclaim Chris Williams to suck at football, and that to me means that regardless of what happens this season, Angelo needs to be shown the door.

As for Lovie, he hasn't been that successful, either. It looks like he is getting blitz happy again, and leaving the secondary without help is bad enough, but with that secondary being the Bears secondary, it's made all the more worse. What's more, those same blitz and rush schemes are wholly ineffective, and while Lovie used to be able to hide under the badness of his personnel, he's running out of excuses with Julius Peppers on the roster now.

So if they continue to win ugly like they have been doing, I don't think my opinion would be any different than the one had they come out of the gates 0-3 and looked pitiful (and keep in mind, they have looked pitiful in certain phases of the game this season).

Wow, a complete joke of a meatball that doesn't like B&B, this is a first. :rolleyes:


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Apr 19, 2010
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I posted that to see if you would whine about it.

Looks like you did.

Yeah, because asking you to explain a statement you made is totally "whining". :rolleyes:


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May 3, 2010
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Chicago Burbs
Rush.....This guy is obviously fucking Special person or just slow minded when it comes to football. I may not be the biggest Lovie fan, but for him to say that Lovie has not been successfull is completely ignorant. The guy took a 5-11 team to the SuperBowl in just a few short years and now could return his team to the playoffs after a 3 year draught, which is something very few coaches have ever pulled off. (ex Cowher, Fischer, Parchells just to name a few)

I stated in my very first post on this to look beyond my crazy video.....and read the statment about the coaching staff and them working as a team. got to give him credit for play adjustment (something that has won us these games) have to credit him for pulling out Shaffer from left, plugging in Omiyale and actually getting production out of him! Something that has shocked the hell out of me!

And Lovie for bringing in this coaching staff....he got us Martz and Tice and Marrinelli while still using his defense that seems to be coming back to form this season!

If this fucking Message Board troll can't comprehend something as simple as that.....fuck em! Hell, just to piss him off, I just may post a new video on here every fucking day of the week dedicated to making fun of him and his ignorance of football and a polite debate about something.

LOL.....just had to get that off my chest.....fuck em!


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Rush.....This guy is obviously fucking Special person or just slow minded when it comes to football. I may not be the biggest Lovie fan, but for him to say that Lovie has not been successfull is completely ignorant. The guy took a 5-11 team to the SuperBowl in just a few short years and now could return his team to the playoffs after a 3 year draught, which is something very few coaches have ever pulled off. (ex Cowher, Fischer, Parchells just to name a few)

I stated in my very first post on this to look beyond my crazy video.....and read the statment about the coaching staff and them working as a team. got to give him credit for play adjustment (something that has won us these games) have to credit him for pulling out Shaffer from left, plugging in Omiyale and actually getting production out of him! Something that has shocked the hell out of me!

And Lovie for bringing in this coaching staff....he got us Martz and Tice and Marrinelli while still using his defense that seems to be coming back to form this season!

If this fucking Message Board troll can't comprehend something as simple as that.....fuck em! Hell, just to piss him off, I just may post a new video on here every fucking day of the week dedicated to making fun of him and his ignorance of football and a polite debate about something.

LOL.....just had to get that off my chest.....fuck em!

You can always ignore him...of course if someone else quotes his posts..then you will see them...Thats the only problem with the ignore feature.


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May 3, 2010
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Chicago Burbs
You can always ignore him...of course if someone else quotes his posts..then you will see them...Thats the only problem with the ignore feature.

LOL...I know. It just burns me when the post is intended for the debate of our coaching staff and it turns into the debate of my video editing skills. Which is kind of funny, because I have intentions of plugging this site just like I have Sports Fans Network with my videos after talking with Rush.

Maybe Lefty isn't such a big fan of some humorous trash talk with some neat graphics edited in.....but some of my videos get more than 700-800 hits by football fans from all teams, but many Bears fans. I even have a couple Players that do know about my videos and have seen a few of them. And if I can help bring that kind of attention to this site for Rush, X factor and Dustin by plugging the site in a video....that's just my way of saying "Thanks for Being Bears fans and I'd like to hear what everyone (not just the mainstream media) has to say about about our team."

And that is the meaning behind my signature to every video. Bear Down and Cam Up. Because there is just too much technology out here to where we don't have to just type. Get on cam and talk about it. Put some emotions behind those words. Hell give what you got into it.

But hey.....we've all got our own taste on how we want to talk, listen, or express or passion....and that is Bears Football.


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Apr 19, 2010
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Rush.....This guy is obviously fucking Special person or just slow minded when it comes to football. I may not be the biggest Lovie fan, but for him to say that Lovie has not been successfull is completely ignorant. The guy took a 5-11 team to the SuperBowl in just a few short years and now could return his team to the playoffs after a 3 year draught, which is something very few coaches have ever pulled off. (ex Cowher, Fischer, Parchells just to name a few)

I stated in my very first post on this to look beyond my crazy video.....and read the statment about the coaching staff and them working as a team. got to give him credit for play adjustment (something that has won us these games) have to credit him for pulling out Shaffer from left, plugging in Omiyale and actually getting production out of him! Something that has shocked the hell out of me!

And Lovie for bringing in this coaching staff....he got us Martz and Tice and Marrinelli while still using his defense that seems to be coming back to form this season!

If this fucking Message Board troll can't comprehend something as simple as that.....fuck em! Hell, just to piss him off, I just may post a new video on here every fucking day of the week dedicated to making fun of him and his ignorance of football and a polite debate about something.

LOL.....just had to get that off my chest.....fuck em!

LOL...I know. It just burns me when the post is intended for the debate of our coaching staff and it turns into the debate of my video editing skills. Which is kind of funny, because I have intentions of plugging this site just like I have Sports Fans Network with my videos after talking with Rush.

Maybe Lefty isn't such a big fan of some humorous trash talk with some neat graphics edited in.....but some of my videos get more than 700-800 hits by football fans from all teams, but many Bears fans. I even have a couple Players that do know about my videos and have seen a few of them. And if I can help bring that kind of attention to this site for Rush, X factor and Dustin by plugging the site in a video....that's just my way of saying "Thanks for Being Bears fans and I'd like to hear what everyone (not just the mainstream media) has to say about about our team."

And that is the meaning behind my signature to every video. Bear Down and Cam Up. Because there is just too much technology out here to where we don't have to just type. Get on cam and talk about it. Put some emotions behind those words. Hell give what you got into it.

But hey.....we've all got our own taste on how we want to talk, listen, or express or passion....and that is Bears Football.

Ok, you fucking Special person. Keep spewing out generalities as commendations of this coaching staff and Lovie as a whole. Is that gonna be your next video? "THE SUN ROSE TODAY, PRAISE LOVIE!!!11" Give me a break.

I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you over who knows more about what. I'm secure in my knowledge of the game, just as I am secure in my level of intelligence.

And if all you're going to bring in by "mentioning" the site in your putrid videos are more slobbering Special person fuckwads like yourself, I'd rather you not try to bring people in.


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Apr 19, 2010
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You can always ignore him...of course if someone else quotes his posts..then you will see them...Thats the only problem with the ignore feature.

Go back to extrapolating bullshit conclusions from erroneous data.


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May 3, 2010
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Chicago Burbs
Go back to extrapolating bullshit conclusions from erroneous data.

Here....I've got a much easier and shorter answer that maybe you can comprehend.

GO FUCK YOURSELF!:angryfinger:


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Apr 19, 2010
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Here....I've got a much easier and shorter answer that maybe you can comprehend.

GO FUCK YOURSELF!:angryfinger:

That wasn't even in response to you. But tell you what, a buddy of mine and I do a weekly internet radio show on Monday nights (i.e. tomorrow), and we're going to be talking some Bears football. You should tune in, and give us a call when we move on to the Bears.


New member
May 3, 2010
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Chicago Burbs
That wasn't even in response to you. But tell you what, a buddy of mine and I do a weekly internet radio show on Monday nights (i.e. tomorrow), and we're going to be talking some Bears football. You should tune in, and give us a call when we move on to the Bears.

Blog Talk Radio? What's your shows name? I am working tomorrow night....but I may find some time to call in.


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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jun 25, 2010
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Go back to extrapolating bullshit conclusions from erroneous data.

I was simply telling him a way to not get into a fight with you and so this thread doesnt have to be 6 pages of you and him going back and forth. All you seem to do on this forum is start fights with every single person you disagree with. It'd be fine if you simply disagreed or refuted someone..but instead you refute them and then bait them into fighting with you because you feel some need to attack and insult everyone personally that you disagree with.
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