Nagy losing his team?


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Or is this writer just reading too much into it and making things up to make everything look worse then it really is, like things could actually look any worse for this offense and M.Nagy?

Could Chicago Bears head coach Matt Nagy be starting to lose the locker room?
The disconnect seems to start with Matt Nagy and Nick Foles
There are more than a few signs that there is a revolt brewing from the Chicago Bears leaders on offense against fearless leader Coach Matt Nagy. If I had to pick one sign that stands out the most it is in the Saints game.

After Nick Foles threw a touchdown pass to Darnell Mooney on the sidelines, Nagy goes up to Foles to celebrate. Nagy puts his hands up for a high five and Foles doesn’t respond. Nagy gives him a tap on the shoulder with his hand. Foles never looked at his head coach and had a sour look on his face as he kept on walking by Nagy. This was quite a diss from the Bears quarterback to his play-calling head coach.

Next, we will flashback to last week’s game against the Panthers. During the telecast, color analyst and former quarterback Brian Griese, says on air, “We were talking to Nick Foles yesterday, [and] he said, ‘You know, sometimes play calls come in and I know that I don’t have time to execute that play call.'” Afterward, Nick Foles clarified what he meant when he said, “Maybe we don’t have the time right now for this type of drop because of the pressure that they’re bringing.”

The truth may lie somewhere in between. Nagy waits too long to call plays and the plays he calls at times are not taking into account the kind of pass rush pressure Nick Foles has been facing. Regardless, the Chicago Bears quarterback has not been shy about muted criticism with how his head coach calls plays and what play calls he makes.

The next big nugget in unraveling the mystery of the relationship between Nagy and Foles revolves around “wristband-gate”. Foles likes using one to list plays and Nagy does not like him using one. Once again Nagy is obsessing over his playlist. It’s almost like a fetish with him. However, I think there is something deeper going on here.

In the third quarter of the Saints game, Nick Foles’ headset went out. In his diligence, the Bears quarterback wanted to make absolutely sure he got the play Nagy wanted. He did his best to do this even if it meant losing a timeout or getting a five-yard penalty for delay of game. Jim Miller on the Fox post-game show was puzzled why Foles didn’t just call a play with the players on the field who fit a play in their playbook. This is a great question but the answer to it could be revealing.

My guess is that Nick Foles knows his head coach does not want him to call a play without Nagy having some kind of approval to run it. This is a reasonable conclusion to make, given that this happened during a treacherous part of another awful third quarter. It is quite possible Foles is feeling disrespected because Nagy has gone full control freak regarding the plays that get run.

Hawkeye OG

Formerly Hawkeye
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Mar 1, 2015
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I feel like this happened last year. Wasn't it Kyle Long and Ted Larsen who was roasting Nagy on twitter a few weeks ago? Granted both those guys aren't on the team anymore and may be salty about that, but they were pretty much mocking Nagy's antics.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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losing loses the locker room.

So yes, he will lose it if they keep losing.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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Now we gotta deal with Derrick fucking Henry. Ouch

Don't remind me.

I haven't bet against the bears in years but I'm very much considering putting a unit on the titans against the spread.

I don't think that the titans are good either, just think its a terrible matchup for us. They are much more physical on both sides of the line. Henry should have a field day


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Don't remind me.

I haven't bet against the bears in years but I'm very much considering putting a unit on the titans against the spread.

I don't think that the titans are good either, just think its a terrible matchup for us. They are much more physical on both sides of the line. Henry should have a field day

You can throw on them though so i'm actually looking for a bounce back nice game for N.Foles. Don't know about a win or not but if the o-line can give him 2 seconds then they should be able to throw on them and they aren't a big sack team either. They just cut V.Beasley because they stink at getting sacks. The problem is they're probably drooling at the mouth to go up against this make shift o-line the Bears will be starting against them. I'm guessing J.Clowney will have his best game of this year so far against us.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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i would think that was obvious that the offense isnt buying into nagy's scheme...look at the poor execution from last year and this year...the guys who were scapegoated are gone and still problems...that means the players just dont believe in it...much like how nagy says they want to run the ball effectively yet they use patterson and nall instead of your workhorse back in montgomery...

Real estate salesman nagy...all smoke and mirrors


Who are the brain police?
Mar 17, 2014
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Of course he’s losing the locker room. How could he not? Fans and media see the issues and ineptitude of don’t think the players do? I’m sure they like him, but they also want to be a better football team and it won’t happen with Nags


Boding Well
CCS Hall of Fame '22
Apr 17, 2010
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How funny would it be that after 3 years of waiting for the defense locker room mutiny, it would be the offense to rebel?

Like many have mentioned before, it truly is a testament to Nagy's leadership the ship hasn't sunk already. But there comes a point where leadership only gets you so far and you have to prove your ability as a play caller and game manager. Like people keep calling Mitch a great guy. That's nice and all but if we're picking our personnel by how nice they are, lets just put Rick Moranis in at QB. Would be nice to see him on TV again.


CCS Donator
Jun 19, 2011
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Bears Backer 54

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Nov 5, 2012
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I'm sure there are issues brewing on the team:
  • Defense showing up now for two years ready to make a playoff push only to be left out there hanging without a complimentary offense
  • Sporadic accountability: holding some players accountable based on performance and not others
  • Lack of game flow management: when hurry up is working, Nagy slowing things down so he can process things and over analyze which play he wants to go with next
  • Personnel changes: when something starts working, Nagy swapping out personnel preventing people from getting into a groove
  • Poor clock management
  • Saying "we are searching for our offensive identity" for 3+ years now
That is just the ones off the top of my head.


Dongbears is THE worst
Nov 29, 2014
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If they lose this one the wheels are off, they're wobbling already. I mean you have Anthony Miller who drops passes and Jimmy Graham who drops passes, yet they trot him out there every week like he's 25 yo Jimmy Graham.

I am not convinced he's a bad play caller per se, I am convinced he has NO IDEA how to maximize the strengths of the hand he has been dealt which = bad coaching.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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If they lose this one the wheels are off, they're wobbling already. I mean you have Anthony Miller who drops passes and Jimmy Graham who drops passes, yet they trot him out there every week like he's 25 yo Jimmy Graham.

I am not convinced he's a bad play caller per se, I am convinced he has NO IDEA how to maximize the strengths of the hand he has been dealt which = bad coaching.

Nah, he's a bad playcaller.

He's also a bad coach. Every player has gotten worse under his watch. I can't even know if we have talent or not on offense because everyone we draft instantly gets worse.

Only thing he's been fantastic at is keeping his players minds in the game and their ego's under control. The bears, at the least, are almost always in a battle. Issue is, if they keep losing he won't even have that to hang his hat on.

What do you do with a coach who can't call plays, doesn't know what scheme he wants to run, mismanages personnel decisions, puts players in the worst position to succeed, and is too stubborn to change?

You fire him.
