So just got back from Bridgestone Arena... What a joke of a hockey experience. I had good seats and for the price I paid ($40) I woulda paid triple that at the UC.
That's basically all the good I saw. Everything else about the place sucked. For being a smaller venue then the UC, I thought it would be loud as hell. Instead, I could hear what the guy on the other side of the rink was saying. Quiet, barely any crowd noise, the video board segments were from movies with some BS in regards to the game but made no sense half the time.
The worst part of the whole thing was the asinine chants they did through out the game. These things went for almost a minute and by the time they were done, something else would of happened on the ice to cue the next one. Just sit down at stfu!
To be honest, I felt as if I was at the Allstate watching a more talented Wolves game. So many hack job gimmicks it was ridiculous. Quite a few empty seats in the lower bowl like RK said above. I get that their a non-traditional hockey market, so they do these gimmicks to get the crowd going, but at a certain point, just let people watch the game.
All in all, the game was good, especially since I got to see one of the hottest teams in the league right now and see Ovechkin snipe two dirty top corner shots for $40. The experience? It ain't no UC and I'm shocked they'd want to keep out some real hockey fans due to them not being from the home town.
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