What other sport has refs admitting to blowing calls for $$? Please, I'd love to hear it.
No, I don't think Stern is happy about SA in the Finals. If Westbrook didn't go down, the Spurs aren't in the finals, but that is small potatoes to having Lebron in the finals. The Heat are #1 for $$ and ratings because people care. The Spurs don't draw ratings argument holds no salt, because they are up against the evil empire, which is as much ratings as they need.
As far as Vegas goes, the ref who admitted to blowing calls on purpose because of point bets provided enough evidence in how Vegas $$ could easily be involved. Quit feigning ignorance.
And how can you deny that the NBA is the most easily rigged game? There are fouls every 45 seconds, up and down the court. Sure, point the finger at other sports, like the NFL, it doesn't bother me. I have no problem admitting that a sport I love could have shady outcomes, like the NFL, but the sport with the most OPPORTUNITY to have a rigged game, by FAR, is the NBA. The refs play a much more significant role, night in and night out, in basketball then in any other sport.
Keep denying, though. Stern and the NBA of the future absolutely LOVES fans/message board heroes who blindly support them, regardless of the product on the court. Keep that $$ flowing