Not surprising. From everything I'm reading, it seems like the owners aren't going to budge until they get the deal they want. The people screwed in all this are nba fans. What dumbasses these guys are though. They are coming off one of the most successful seasons in years and then have a lockout.
And I don't blame the players in this. I blame the idiot GMs and owners. I read an article Henry Abbot posted after the movie Money Ball was released. He had a guy from an NBA organization saying that movie showed just how stupid some GMs are. He said in his organization their GM was going to give a guy who just blew out his knee a max contract. When he told him he blew out his knee, the GM asked him how did he know this? And the guy told him it's on Google, and the GM didn't know how to use Google lol. These players making inflated salaries are the product of stupid GMs giving them the money, and stupid owners hiring these idiot GMs.