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Learn the damn language then.
Whether you know English or not, I'm not gonna steal or cheat you. Call me cray
Learn the damn language then.
Eh, they know the language. They pretend not to when its convenient. Try to screw them on money and see how fast they comprehend.
Eh, they know the language. They pretend not to when its convenient.
Always classy to try and screw people out of money, especially ones that don't know your language.
stay classy silenceS
You're such a dumb dumb as well. I do like you following me around doe. Its like I have a puppy.
A couple questions:
As an immigrant to a new country should you be expected to learn the language? Or is that an unrealistic or outdated expectation?
How long should it take? 1 year? 5 Years? 10 Years?
I would argue you should learn the language of whatever country you move to at some point. Native fluency is not required. But a working proficiency would do. In my book 5 years is long enough if you're making a legit effort. If you've lived in a place for 10, 15 years or more and you still don't know how to communicate then you're just not making an effort IMO.
Learn the damn language then.
Eh, they know the language. They pretend not to when its convenient. Try to screw them on money and see how fast they comprehend.
you're always the smartest guy in the room. that's why everyone likes you so much.
Whatever percentage of those who aren't learning the language because they're lazy are only hurting themselves and make no appreciable impact on anyone's lives outside their own. I find it hard to care, and it seems those that do care so much tend to be complete dipshits.
Speak of the devil!
You're such a dumb dumb.
A couple questions:
As an immigrant to a new country should you be expected to learn the language? Or is that an unrealistic or outdated expectation?
Yeah, I'm sooper stoop
Whatever percentage of those who aren't learning the language because they're lazy are only hurting themselves and make no appreciable impact on anyone's lives outside their own. I find it hard to care, and it seems those that do care so much tend to be complete dipshits.
Speak of the devil!
Says the guy who has devil in his username.
You seem awfully butthurt about what I am saying. I'm guessing you're someone who has illegally crossed our borders and has not even learned our language and is using Google Translate to read all of our conversations.
Tell me, was I spot on?
Well going back to my original comment I think it hurts in a classroom setting. It does impact the other kids when the teacher has to spend more time with the kids who are behind in language skills.
Butt hurt? Nah. But I do enjoy making fun of people like you, the kind of people that made my Grandfather embarrassed of his Sicilian accent and to refuse to go by his real name because it also sounded too Sicilian.
EDIT: You also missed by about a mile.
That's a different problem than what was described in the OP. I don't know what the fix to that is, maybe it's something that can be corrected as a byproduct of smaller classrooms.
No one forced your grandfather to do anything. He is his own man who made his own decision. Don't make me sound like the bad guy.
No one forced your grandfather to do anything. He is his own man who made his own decision. Don't make me sound like the bad guy.