No by tweak, I mean he learned what Brady liked and adjusted the plays he called.
“We’re doing the same stuff,” Leftwich said Tuesday. “I know there’s this big talk about everything. The offense is based on the quarterback. That’s what I believe in in coaching. It’s always been that way. I told you guys it took us time. We didn’t have an opportunity to practice (during the pandemic shutdown) so we were trying to figure things out on Sunday.
“But we’re not doing all this motion stuff, I don’t know where you get all that from. We put our quarterback in the best position to have success all the time and that’s how we’ve always looked at it. Week 1 last year. Did we do a better job? We may have as we learned each other, me and Tom ... I did a better job of putting him in position. But we didn’t go and start doing all this different stuff.”
It is just funny how Weiss, Gase, McDaniels, BoB and all these other coaches can work with Manning or Brady and their abilities don't get questioned but somehow it is an issue with Leftwich. As sesame street would say,
One Of These Things (Is Not Like The Others)
One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?