Hate staying up late. I think too much about books I read that involve war. If there ever was some "previous life" crap people discuss; I feel I fought in some war. I get so moved and upset reading about the shit young people went through way before our time.
Reading about Iwo Jima I broke down and cried finishing With the Old Breed.
Anything pertaining to WWI I get really emotional about. Mostly because noone gives a shit or talks about that war. I just think it was lots of young kids like my brother or even highschoolers now, who thought war was some kinda fucked up nice thing and find out differently... Just always broke my heart. I remember reading about the Battle of the Somme during highschoool and having goosebumps and getting upset about it. 600 thousand people died within july and november of the SAME YEAR . My teacher who was teaching it for 30 years even patted me on the back and told me he understood how I felt.
Fucckk I hate reading about that stuff. I don't feel people care or acknowledge it enough. Just a lot of 18-21 year old kids who had so much to live for dying on some fucking shithole dirt screaming for their mothers, it always makes me upset. My bros get like weirded out by it.. But for whatever reason.. It's always struck a chord with me.
To the lost.