fielder is a lock for the cubs? is that what you are saying?..
fielder is not a bad option to look at..but i feel that if we go after him there's a good chance we throw money at him and go all in and then lose out..
i think the biggest concern is the pitching
we have demp and garza in the front 2 but after that it becomes a little more of a crapshoot...not sure what to expect from wells, and lopez and cashner are barely even starters
not to mention i wouldnt say the bullpen is 100% solid
No, a big name is all but a lock.
If we do go after Fielder, you're right, we are going to have to go all in and throw a lot of money at him. But, if we get him at like 110/5 or so, that means he need to be about a 5 win player a year throughout the contract to live up to it. I completely believe he can do that. If there is a 6th year option, that could end up hurting us, but if we don't win the WS in the first 5 years, it won't matter anyway.
I wouldn't keep Ramirez. Wright isn't having a great year this year, but I'd take him over Ramirez.
How do you plan on getting Wright?
I'm not saying I don't want Fielder... just that I think there might be better uses for the cash. Also, I fear Fielder is going to be looking for a minimum of 7 years... and we'll be looking at a situation by year 5 that's even worse than Soriano's now. If I had any inclination that Fielder wouldn't begin to break down physically around the same time his dad did (age 33-34) then I'd be all over it. We also don't have the DH option like Detroit did to help him continue on for a year or two than what he probably should have.
I think that if we give him enough cash over a shorter period, he'll bite. Even if Prince does break down then, he is a far better player than his dad, so we'll still be getting a 3-4 win player, where as Cecil only had 1 season over 2 WAR after 30.
If you can get him for a similar kind of contract that the Red Sox gave AGon... but at 5 years with a 6th year option.... then I'd say go for it. I just don't want to end up paying a guy $150MM for 2 big years, 2 good years, and 3 terrible years... and end up in another Soriano situation (though Soriano has never really had a "big year" with the Cubs).
I like the idea of that contract. I think he will bite for a shorter deal with more money, tbh.
But uh, did you miss 2007? Soriano was a monster that year. He was a 7 win player. If that doesn't do it for you, he had a .380 wOBA. He was really really really good.