Do yourself a favor and watch an Asian commercial depicting a black person.
Or even better yet, ask some Asians if they’re offended by this play call name.
Wtf is it with the hyper oversensitiveness? You’re offended? Fine, don’t play it. Or get a life.
Validating racism by citing racism in the opposite direction is literally the worst comeback you could have made. With that logic it’s okay to be racist towards any race because there’s bound to be people in that race who are racist. Check yourself.
I’m Chinese and I had no idea what OP meant at first because I was oblivious to the term “slant.” But if what OP alludes to is true, I do agree that it should be changed. I won’t go as far as saying EA is racist as much as they were simply ignorant to the term like I was. But I’m not going to let somebody Asian come here and comment that they aren’t bothered, so that they can appease the majority who don’t like talking about racism.
Hypersensitivity is a thing in today’s society, I agree, but you can’t be pulling that card in every instance. FFS do you not see that this is a play named after a demeaning Chinese stereotype? I have the same feeling towards this that I’m sure many black players would have if a play was named after a demeaning black stereotype. I won’t give an example, but just imagine how that would play out.
Or just have some compassion and put yourself in the shoes of a minority (if you aren’t one), and imagine how you’d feel about a popular terminology being demeaningly named after a physical feature of yours. Sure, not everyone’s going to be offended, but they certainly have the right to be.