So, apparently this happened tonight? I'm glad that the upstanding citizenry of CCS had nothing better to do on a Saturday night.
Might I propose a compromise that has nothing to do with scheme? TD/turnover ratio. This is relatively "fair," is it not? If a QB is asked to throw X times, that will have absolutely nothing to do with the (Y/Z) ratio -- the quantitative relation between two amounts. I.E. it will not take into account number of passes vs totals of yards, TDs, INTs, or anything else. No pseudo-scientific bullshit stats (QBR is a joke), and eliminating the "but they pass less, weather, no dome, my ex texted her (wealthy) ex and I didn't like it" crap? Or are we then going to whine about the "supporting cast" (as though Brees and others have been working with nothing but studs on their units all these years)?
I'm still not sure why terms have to be conformed to a certain ideal of a "fair bet" anyways. No bet is ever fair. Go to Vegas, Monte Carlo, or Macau and whine about how "fair" the terms of a gamble are; especially if you're attempting to create a baseline related to abject homerism.