Johnny posts
Johnny posts
So desbro is complaining about people ordering A LOT of food in the drive thru because it interferes with him getting a simple item like a coffee....why don't you walk inside and get a coffee then? it'll take 2 seconds. You hate yourself by your logic since you are using the drive thru like a fat person.
I also feel like the drive thru is probably best suited for people with larger orders because they don't have to walk with the multiple bags back to their cars.
I walk inside all the time.
So you are too lazy to go inside and get your coffee so you get annoyed because others are just as lazy as yourself
If I'm on the phone w work and can order a quick coffee and continue driving, sweet. If you're a lazy fat shit probably like yourself, who orders a shitload and makes other people wait in the car line you're an asshole. It's common sense and logic.
Also LOL at people waiting in drive thrus w cars backed up when you can just walk in order and walk right out.
Fat ugly and lazy is no way to go through life.
Lol no I said it's convenient when I wanna grab a quick coffee not a million things. Shocked yee making this a big deal. Just don't be lazy and rude if you're ordering a million things , go inside and wait
If I'm on the phone w work and can order a quick coffee and continue driving, sweet. If you're a lazy fat shit probably like yourself, who orders a shitload and makes other people wait in the car line you're an asshole. It's common sense and logic.
Also LOL at people waiting in drive thrus w cars backed up when you can just walk in order and walk right out.
Fat ugly and lazy is no way to go through life.
what if the person has kids? going inside and ordering multiple things may be a hassle. What if the person has an injury or is handicapped? getting in and out of the car is difficult, so the drive thru would be best for them
You cannot possibly get a quality cup of coffee in a drive through, amiright?
Lol please. Those are exceptions.
Dunkin Donuts
Dunkin Donuts
your chin growth and aversion to walking inside to order has the ugly and lazy part covered for yourself...keep going through the drive thru ordering 3-10 lattes a day and the fat part won't take much longer
So many triggered and rustled
Yes yes I'm ugly I get it. You're right ;!