If there's nothing after you die, why are you living?
Because I like living....its as simple as that. I never quite understood the logic behind "if you dont believe in God/heaven, why do you keep on living". Because I like my life, I enjoy it, therefore why would I desire to end it?
By this logic there were/are animals that serve no purpose. If we are infinitely important, made by a creator and our goal is to live ad godly life and get into heaven why are there creatures on this planet that are completely irrelevant to us. If every creature on the Galapagos islands was slaughtered, the world would move on without missing a beat, its a essentially a closed system, the world would make whatever minor adjustment it needs to and keep spinning and would have no affect whatsoever on the human race other than pissing off some hippies.
Creatures lived and disappeared long before we were ever even on the scene....
So basically what I am saying, everything just is, it doesn't have to have a purpose or a reason. Its just as difficult to comprehend as say a creator who made us for the sole purpose of testing us, and at the end of our days keeping us or throwing us away. Add to that a system that does not test each individual equally. i.e. someone may live an amoral life and get that deathbed opportunity to absolve themself from sin, while somebody who was alright but not perfect, gets killed suddenly in a car wreck, and while overall he may have been better than that other man, he wasn't right enough with God and gets cast into the hellfire.
There is just too much that doesn't add up in terms of a finite "good" afterlife and "bad" afterlife.
Sure like many others I would like the idea of really sick fucks rotting in a fire pit for eternity. But generally with the way it would work, too many people, that by standards of human law, wouldnt deserve that, would share the same fate on the same token, people that shouldnt get the reward, by standards of human law...would.
i.e. if I died this instant, lets say the christian, muslim, jew deity is real. I would go strait to hell, wont pass go and collect 200 dollars. Im not a bad guy, Ive had my indiscrestions in life, but in general I am a good person, i do right by other people, Ive done some genuinely selfless things for others, but, that wouldnt be good enough. Now take some child rapist, he could become born again and a total bible banger and get into heaven. Furthermore someone could be a complete freaking saint, and rot in hell for the mere lack of believing.
Stuff like that just doesn't jive with me, there are just too many variables for us to all be "judged" by the same rules. The only way the world makes sense to me is without a God and afterlife. The only way the world can be so "unfair" which it is, is if there is no conscious rhyme or reason behind it, then it makes sense. Why was this person born to poverty only to die of malnutrition and disease by the age of 10? Or how about the age of 5? what was the point of their life? Why did a child mysteriously die 4 days after it came home? what purpose did it serve? does it have a soul? What about a child born Special person or autistic or someone injures a part of their brain that impacts their ability to feel compassion or differentiate between right and wrong? Are they bound to the same rules as everyone else?
When your body enters starvation mode, the first parts of your brain that shut off are all related to what we call our "conscience", so if need be, you will eat your family dog you had for ten years like hes no different than a Marie Calendars chicken fried steak frozen dinner, you will keep reverting to the most base brain functionality to the point your own child might look like fucking porterhouse. One documented instance of this was a British ship in the 19th century marooned on greenland, they were all good friends until they started starving and tried to kill and eat eachother.
That was a rather long winded answer to your question. But what it boils down to lack of an afterlife "in the traditional sense" and a God make absolutely no sense with the world the way it is. On the other hand it makes perfect sense if you remove them from the equation.