PlayStation announced their VR prototype Project Morpheus tonight at GDC.
-It's called Project Morpheus
-The current dev kit has 1080p display and a 90+ Degree FOV
-Position and rotating head tracking: 1000HZ, 3 Meter Working Volume, Full 360 Degrees.
-Features forward prediction: key to getting rid of latency, which can be destructive to VR.
-Audio: "True spatial sound, synthesized by simulating the human ear... Created by real world experiments using speaker / microphone arrays."
-Accelerometer and gyroscope sensors built into the head mounted unit as well as PlayStation Camera accurately tracks head orientation and movement, so as your head rotates, the image of the virtual world rotates intuitively in real-time.
-"The current prototype is wired" with a five meter wire. They are investigating "other solutions."
-Eye tracking inside the device is being researched
-Wireless and Wired Headsets are compatible
-Compatible with glasses
-Playable at GDC Tomorrow
-It will only work with PS4 for now.
-Not only for games, working with NASA to let people experience Mars in VR
-Another example is being able to check out hotel rooms without actually going there
-Unity, Havok, Wwise, Gigantic, Autodesk Gameware, Criware, DDD, Silicon Studio, Epic Games, Bitsquid, Crytek all on board with Project Morpheus. Along with Sony owned studios
-"There's a couch multiplayer aspect to it as well." The image can be mirrored on the screen so other can see what's going on in the headset.
-Sony London has a demo called The Deep, Explore a mysterious ocean
-A Castle demo is also available to play with the PS Move.
-EVE's Valkyrie can also be demoed
-Thief from Square Enix works on PlayStation VR.
-Geoff Keighley : "Developers who have used Project Morpheus tell me the fidelity of the image and experience is superior to Oculus Rift."