Kershaw has earned every nickel of his contract (29 WAR since signing) so that part isn't valid but it also doesn't have anything to do with what I was saying. Harper has lost money, no question, and even to get that $325 Stanton money is probably a stretch this offseason. If I'm him I'm either signing a contract with an opt out after the first year or a straight up 1 year pillow deal for $30 mil. Given their close relationship with Scott Boras I would think the Nats would oblige.
It happens in every sport, what are you talking about? NFL Franchise tag a guy that makes the average of the top 5 paid at the position.
NBA, pay Lebron James a dollar more than any other player in the NBA, sign the rest of the average players to max deals of 200 million dollars.
You think Boreass just picked a number out of his ass to negotiate for Jake? Top pitchers get top dollars. That broke with Yu and Jake, but in both regards, neither guy is who they were. That is why free agents were not signing until March.
Do you seriously think Boreass will allow Harper to sign for less than the stanton deal, even though we all know it was to overvalue the team for the sale?
The way the owners are now, I think Washington become the bulls of the baseball world where no free agent will choose to sign with them if Harper is gone. They have to sign him long term and any hard balling with this average deal will lose him.