Finally rented and watched Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 4 out of 5 stars
Very entertaining.
-Harrison Ford stole the show. Almost forgot how much I loved Han Solo as a movie character.
-At times the movie got a little campy/too comedic for me. I wasn't crazy about some of the writing.
-Loved the first parts of the movie. Felt raw, real, dirty/dusty. really brought back good memories from A New Hope. I know some people complained about the parallel story line, and at times I can see why, but in some ways it makes a lot of sense. The movie is kind of based around The First Order idolizing the old Empire so it makes sense they would attempt a similar super weapon etc
-Very interested to see what they do with the Rey origin story. Is she related to Ben Kenobi? The Skywalkers?
-For me Rey started picking up the Force a bit too much/easily and it wasn't built on early in the film enough for me to have her start mind tricking people and pwning Ren but I like the idea.
-The movie felt confused at times at what it was trying to be. Was it trying to be a "kids movie" and rebooting it for a new generation?(This would explain some painful comedy attempt moments and awkward writing like when Rey and Finn come together after they steal the Falcon and have the "OMG, how'd we do that exchange" or was it trying to be an extension of the gritty New Hope/Empire Strike Back? Explained with Solo's death, the opening scenes, the traumatic flashbacks, the final sabre dual etc. It tried to be both. For me, obviously, I didn't enjoy the kid aimed parts but really liked the New Hope/Empire extension angles.
- This movie was infinitely better than all the other Prequel trilogy movies.