Went out and saw Heartbreak Ridge last night. Like him as a person or not, Gibson can make a realistic good movie and this one is. Tells the true story about a kid who enlists as a Marine corpsman in WWII as a CO and takes a huge amount of heat for it from his fellow Marines, his boot sergeant, company commander, and ends up having to stand a court martial before even taking training as a combat medic.
I don't know the actual accuracy of the movie to the facts of it. Going into the movie, I had not even heard of this guy's story to tell the truth of things, but I am definitely going to research this guy. Truly an amazing story.
Leaving the theater, my friend,Kevin, reminded me of GIbson's work in his Vietnam MOvie. "WE WERE SOLDIERS' based on the 1st Cavs exploits under Colonel Moore early in the Vietnam war. Also a true story which depicted the war within a war between Col. Moore and the North Vietnamese commander. That movie was as realistic as it gets in my opinion and really did highlight how terrific the helicopter pilots were who saved my and others bacon thousands of times in that war.
ANyway. Good realistic movie. Not for the squeemish though. Not sure about how many women will take it. Both my wife and her friend were crying during the last part of it and at the end.