Rate the last movie you watched


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CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Do you have a link to that deleted scene between the two of them? Maybe that changes things with that specific part.

The more I do think about it, the more I think Pattinson did a good job. Bale was the best, and I preferred Kilmer to Keaton so I think I'd put Pattinson 3rd. Wasn't necessarily the acting for me as it was the story.

I also neglected to mention this (and I'm a fool for not): Jeffrey Wright is great in anything he does. I'd watch him paint a room with no dialogue if that was a movie.

The joker is played pretty well for what it is.

Joker mentioned it was their one year anniversary when bats showed up.
Given his physical state I wonder if they went the route of the red hood- joker being a stooge and a patsy in a robbery and batman accidenally knocking his ass in the chemicals that bleach him and turn his hair green.
Dude looks like he took a chemical bath.

I love seeing the joker but this scene is way too expositional... and I hate when movies take that route.

It literally explains everything for the mouthbreaters not smart enough for the semi- subtlety.
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Les Grossman

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Jun 22, 2011
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The joker is played pretty well for what it is.

Joker mentioned it was their one year anniversary when bats showed up.
Given his physical state I wonder if they went the route of the red hood- joker being a stooge and a patsy in a robbery and batman accidenally knocking his ass in the chemicals that bleach him and turn his hair green.
Dude looks like he took a chemical bath.

I love seeing the joker but this scene is way too expositional... and I hate when movies take that route.

It literally explains everything for the mouthbreaters not smart enough for the semi- subtlety.
I believe the director explained the inspiration for the Joker's appearance and it wasn't "falling in a vat of acid". It was a disease:

"Reeves’ revealed in an interview with Variety that his intentions with the Joker will break tradition when it comes to the villain’s physical appearance. This Joker did not fall into a vat of chemicals or have an open-ended reason for his facial scarring. Instead, Reeves is taking a Phantom of the Opera approach.

“He has a congenital disease where he can’t stop smiling and it’s horrific. His face is half-covered through most of the film,” Reeves says. “What if this guy from birth had this disease and he was cursed? He had this smile that people stared at that was grotesque and terrifying. Even as a child, people looked at him with horror, and his response was to say, ‘Okay, so a joke was played on me,’ and this was his nihilistic take on the world.”


Penny Traitor

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Aug 21, 2012
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Why does every movie have to be some three hour opus now???

Sure it's warranted at times, but I really don't need three hours of Star Wars or superheroes.

You could have easily trimmed 30 minutes off 'The Batman' by getting rid of the three dozen extended "side eye" shots that the Bats & the Cats took turns doing.

That's my only real gripe with the movie. Solid story while sparring everyone another origin story for the lead. Felt a lot like 'Batman Begins' in that it was the foundation of a larger story to be told.



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CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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my biggest problem with the Batman is the same problem I have with every movie: everyone is watching the news on TV ALL THE TIME, including

Zoe's GF and they left the TV (with the news) on even after they kidnapped her, just for... audience convenience

Penny Traitor

Staff member
Aug 21, 2012
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my biggest problem with the Batman is the same problem I have with every movie: everyone is watching the news on TV ALL THE TIME


It's usually not even some 24/7 news outlet. It's whatever local newscast they are trying to portray.

Not only is that some fantastic scheduling, but has only become even less believable when no one watches network television IRL anymore.

It's a lazy substitute for voice over that needs serious reimagining.


CCS Hall of Fame '20
Aug 20, 2012
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my biggest problem with the Batman is the same problem I have with every movie: everyone is watching the news on TV ALL THE TIME, including

Zoe's GF and they left the TV (with the news) on even after they kidnapped her, just for... audience convenience

That and also all the hands on hips?


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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I watched it again and I really think they could have clipped the "batman in the police station" scene.

there was an easily fixable plot hole in that-

Batman gets carried in to the cell unconscious.
At this point, the lions share of the cops hate him. They think he is simply a criminal vigilante.
They probably would have unmasked him immediately, and they sure as hell wouldnt transport him to a cell literally bristling with weapons.
Even his bat-symbol on his chest is a detachable blade.

In any other incartnation, Batman is always booby-trapped.
He gets knocked out, you go for his mask, you get shocked or gassed.
same for his belt.
There is zero chance cops would shuttle an unconscious, armed dude in to a cell.
If they HAD to include the police scene, show someone get jolted trying to remove the mask, because it would have been gone before they carried him out of the church, and all his weapons would have been taken.

Beyond that, we had already seen Gorden trusting bats and bending rules for him. We didnt need that scene to show their bond. it was pointless and all it did was show how stupid the cops are and how gullible they were falling for gordons ruse.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Why does every movie have to be some three hour opus now???

Sure it's warranted at times, but I really don't need three hours of Star Wars or superheroes.

You could have easily trimmed 30 minutes off 'The Batman' by getting rid of the three dozen extended "side eye" shots that the Bats & the Cats took turns doing.

That's my only real gripe with the movie. Solid story while sparring everyone another origin story for the lead. Felt a lot like 'Batman Begins' in that it was the foundation of a larger story to be told.

I may be in the minority, But I really did not need the catwoman in the movie.

I thought her role marginalized the existence of The Penquin.
Cut out the catwoman, and build Penguin as far more dangerous and the next crime boss of Gotham.

Nolan gave Catwoman a great story- It should have been left there.


CCS Donator
CCS Hall of Fame '20
Jan 4, 2011
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I watched it again and I really think they could have clipped the "batman in the police station" scene.

there was an easily fixable plot hole in that-

Batman gets carried in to the cell unconscious.
At this point, the lions share of the cops hate him. They think he is simply a criminal vigilante.
They probably would have unmasked him immediately, and they sure as hell wouldnt transport him to a cell literally bristling with weapons.
Even his bat-symbol on his chest is a detachable blade.

In any other incartnation, Batman is always booby-trapped.
He gets knocked out, you go for his mask, you get shocked or gassed.
same for his belt.
There is zero chance cops would shuttle an unconscious, armed dude in to a cell.
If they HAD to include the police scene, show someone get jolted trying to remove the mask, because it would have been gone before they carried him out of the church, and all his weapons would have been taken.

Beyond that, we had already seen Gorden trusting bats and bending rules for him. We didnt need that scene to show their bond. it was pointless and all it did was show how stupid the cops are and how gullible they were falling for gordons ruse.
how about that he

escaped the station in a hail of bullets after having been laid out inexplicably on a table in a conference room surrounded by angry cops, only for them all to be all cool with him the next time he saw them?


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Has anyone watched and enjoyed Easy Rider and can convince me why I should give it another shot?

By shot I mean I've never finished it. I always end up turning it off fairly quickly because it doesn't hold my interest and I end up distracting myself with something else.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Has anyone watched and enjoyed Easy Rider and can convince me why I should give it another shot?

By shot I mean I've never finished it. I always end up turning it off fairly quickly because it doesn't hold my interest and I end up distracting myself with something else.

Alot of social commentary movies dont age well.
That and the acting was pretty much ass (great for the time, but meh today).

I have tried to watch all of the "classics" just to know the references... but rarely do ancient history films "do it" for me.

A lot gets lost in time and translation as well, so they just don't strike the same chord as when they were relevant.

One of the great examples of that is the wizard of oz. Written as commentary against the gold standard, filming choices and time have completely erased the point.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Watched Spiderman far from home finally, in preparation for no way home.

Kind of mindless and mundane for a marvel universe movie.
I loved homecoming... hopefully no way home is better and leaves me enjoying the franchise.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2019
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Alot of social commentary movies dont age well.
That and the acting was pretty much ass (great for the time, but meh today).

I have tried to watch all of the "classics" just to know the references... but rarely do ancient history films "do it" for me.

A lot gets lost in time and translation as well, so they just don't strike the same chord as when they were relevant.

One of the great examples of that is the wizard of oz. Written as commentary against the gold standard, filming choices and time have completely erased the point

Has anyone watched and enjoyed Easy Rider and can convince me why I should give it another shot?

By shot I mean I've never finished it. I always end up turning it off fairly quickly because it doesn't hold my interest and I end up distracting myself with something else.

Agree with Airtime, as this happened to me with Midnight Cowboy (although the acting in that wasn't bad). I had never seen this movie when it was made as I wasn't born yet and only watched it recently. For a movie considered to be a classic, I was expecting a lot more, but it totally fell flat for me. One reason why I think this to be the case is because I feel like movies nowadays are way more .....I don't know the exact word; complex, maybe. Also, themes change; social commentaries change; topics-of-day change; etc. One theme in Midnight Cowboy (that I took anyway) is that, unless you evolve, you'll die. Perhaps that was a much more original concept when that movie was made, but today, it's like that notion has been covered ad nauseum, so of course, the effect falls flat.

Anyway, I've seen Easy Rider a handful of times; and the last time was a while back. It isn't one of my favorites, but I think it's okay. I mostly like to watch it because it gives me an idea of what it was like to live in an era I have only ever heard about. I feel like the climax of that movie is satisfying; the payoff is nice, and it doesn't hold any punches. I'm trying not to give away the ending, but to me, it serves as what ultimately happened to the spirit of the 60's; and the fact that it was made in the same time, with that amount of foresight, is impressive from a cinematic perspective. So, I guess that's my attempt to convince you. There is a moment or two that feels unnecessary or that could have been cut, but overall, it is a decent movie.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Agree with Airtime, as this happened to me with Midnight Cowboy (although the acting in that wasn't bad). I had never seen this movie when it was made as I wasn't born yet and only watched it recently. For a movie considered to be a classic, I was expecting a lot more, but it totally fell flat for me. One reason why I think this to be the case is because I feel like movies nowadays are way more .....I don't know the exact word; complex, maybe. Also, themes change; social commentaries change; topics-of-day change; etc. One theme in Midnight Cowboy (that I took anyway) is that, unless you evolve, you'll die. Perhaps that was a much more original concept when that movie was made, but today, it's like that notion has been covered ad nauseum, so of course, the effect falls flat.

Anyway, I've seen Easy Rider a handful of times; and the last time was a while back. It isn't one of my favorites, but I think it's okay. I mostly like to watch it because it gives me an idea of what it was like to live in an era I have only ever heard about. I feel like the climax of that movie is satisfying; the payoff is nice, and it doesn't hold any punches. I'm trying not to give away the ending, but to me, it serves as what ultimately happened to the spirit of the 60's; and the fact that it was made in the same time, with that amount of foresight, is impressive from a cinematic perspective. So, I guess that's my attempt to convince you. There is a moment or two that feels unnecessary or that could have been cut, but overall, it is a decent movie.
Hmm perhaps it's just overrated to begin with.


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2019
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Hmm perhaps it's just overrated to begin with.
Maybe. Or I'm just missing something, who knows. I'm weird with certain movies. For example, I hated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood the first time I saw it, but when I watched it again, I loved it -- not so much because of the story/theme, but because of the individual performances. I think movies like Easy Rider and Midnight Cowboy are more about the individual performances than they are about the story.

I caught the end of Blue Velvet the other night. This is one movie where I'm not even sure if I like it or not, but it is interesting and I have re-watched it over a half-dozen times, so I guess I like it, lol. Definitely one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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Maybe. Or I'm just missing something, who knows. I'm weird with certain movies. For example, I hated Once Upon a Time in Hollywood the first time I saw it, but when I watched it again, I loved it -- not so much because of the story/theme, but because of the individual performances. I think movies like Easy Rider and Midnight Cowboy are more about the individual performances than they are about the story.

I caught the end of Blue Velvet the other night. This is one movie where I'm not even sure if I like it or not, but it is interesting and I have re-watched it over a half-dozen times, so I guess I like it, lol. Definitely one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen.
Maybe Easy Rider is simply that weird particular movie for me. Blue Velvet is one of lynch's better films, but that's not saying much coming from me. I don't really care for him.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Agree with Airtime, as this happened to me with Midnight Cowboy (although the acting in that wasn't bad). I had never seen this movie when it was made as I wasn't born yet and only watched it recently. For a movie considered to be a classic, I was expecting a lot more, but it totally fell flat for me. One reason why I think this to be the case is because I feel like movies nowadays are way more .....I don't know the exact word; complex, maybe. Also, themes change; social commentaries change; topics-of-day change; etc. One theme in Midnight Cowboy (that I took anyway) is that, unless you evolve, you'll die. Perhaps that was a much more original concept when that movie was made, but today, it's like that notion has been covered ad nauseum, so of course, the effect falls flat.

Anyway, I've seen Easy Rider a handful of times; and the last time was a while back. It isn't one of my favorites, but I think it's okay. I mostly like to watch it because it gives me an idea of what it was like to live in an era I have only ever heard about. I feel like the climax of that movie is satisfying; the payoff is nice, and it doesn't hold any punches. I'm trying not to give away the ending, but to me, it serves as what ultimately happened to the spirit of the 60's; and the fact that it was made in the same time, with that amount of foresight, is impressive from a cinematic perspective. So, I guess that's my attempt to convince you. There is a moment or two that feels unnecessary or that could have been cut, but overall, it is a decent movie.
Midnight cowboy was a weird one. I can see how cutting edge it must have been for the time.

You have the slimeball taking advantage of the bumpkin, the bumpkin getting Stockholm syndrome from the slimeball, and then the best effort to help ultimately fails.

Those late 60s early 70s movies were big on nihilistic depressing endings.

So many movies of that time seemed to be making the point that life sucks, you get fucked over, and everyone dies leaving everyone else alone.


This place is dead and buried.
CCS Hall of Fame '21
Aug 21, 2012
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Maybe Easy Rider is simply that weird particular movie for me. Blue Velvet is one of lynch's better films, but that's not saying much coming from me. I don't really care for him.

We had a film study elective class in high school.
The teacher said something that has always stuck with me.
"You can watch a classic, get the point entirely, appreciate what is being said, yet still not be impressed. It doesnt mean you missed anything. It doesnt mean you dont appreciate the medium. It is all a result of personal preference, and if you dont like the presentation that is just fine".

I for one am not a fan of slow moving, slow dialogue movies with lingering framing shots and dim lighting to set moods. It feels like overkill and puts me to sleep.
I will admit without hesitation that i absolutely went out of my head with boredom at the Godfather franchise.

weirdly enough I liked the presentation of "blade runner" even though it relied heavily on that, but despised the new blade runner for relying on it.
Movie enjoyment is hit or miss for me.


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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We had a film study elective class in high school.
The teacher said something that has always stuck with me.
"You can watch a classic, get the point entirely, appreciate what is being said, yet still not be impressed. It doesnt mean you missed anything. It doesnt mean you dont appreciate the medium. It is all a result of personal preference, and if you dont like the presentation that is just fine".

I for one am not a fan of slow moving, slow dialogue movies with lingering framing shots and dim lighting to set moods. It feels like overkill and puts me to sleep.
I will admit without hesitation that i absolutely went out of my head with boredom at the Godfather franchise.

weirdly enough I liked the presentation of "blade runner" even though it relied heavily on that, but despised the new blade runner for relying on it.
Movie enjoyment is hit or miss for me.
I love Tarkovsky. Just gonna put that out there.
