But Emery, the same guy many were ready to throw under the bus in favor of some guy named Salak a few months ago, now looks to have the Hawks #1 goalie job, possibly for the rest of this year and the playoffs.
For whatever reason, and I'll throw out a theory in a moment, the Hawks seem to simply play better in front of Emery. Emery has played well. But the Hawks seem to rally around him as well, playing more responsibly and confidently.
My theory is this: Ray Emery is a tough guy.
But I also think that teammates are a little unconsciously afraid of letting a tough guy like Emery down.
Hawk defenseman protect Emery's crease a lot better than they did Crawford's. Maybe it's due to coaching.
Maybe it's because, unconsciously, you don't want to face Razor's stare after the game.