Revisting health and fitness

Shantz My Pants

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Dec 10, 2014
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It's been almost a week, but I've given up on soda's and soft drinks. I did have a gatorade today but I was on the ice all day coaching, so it was essential to replace my electrolytes...(let it slide)?

I tried this about 5 months ago but I ended up drinking Brisk Ice tea's all day and "lemonade" that came out of the bar gun at my other job (essential sugar and water). So it really wasn't anything to write home about.

I only allow myself to drink my ice coffee I get from 711 on my way to work in the morning (it's my only bright spot) but after that it's strictly water, juice (the healthy version, not the sugar and fructose kind), and straight tea. More or less I've been sucking down water and tea. I can honestly say in the last 5 days I don't feel as bloated. My appetite has gone up, but that's from lack of calories I was consuming in soda. I've tried to eat a bit better, but that's next weeks ordeal.


Staff member
May 14, 2010
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The #1 problem that people have with diets is they try to cut everything off cold turkey and end up shocking themselves and making things harder than they really are. Much like you are doing, setting limits and sticking to them is a much better way. Moderation of intake, increase in activity, and then decrease of intake. If the same with smoking, people who stop all together find it extremely hard. If you cut back to say 5 a day for a few weeks, then 3 a day, then none, it can be much easier for a lot of people. Smoking may be a bad example though because the adiction may be so strong that it might be easier to cold turkey it and then just grind out the withdraw. But things like ice coffee on the way to work aren't going to be overly critical if you include it in the original part of your plan. Eventually though, you'll want to work them out of the plan to, and use them as a reward. It will keep you motivated.


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May 14, 2010
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Speaking of healthy juice, I just bought a juicer to start making my own. Hasn't arrived yet so can't report on it, but I've been looking to get one for a long time.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
The #1 problem that people have with diets is they try to cut everything off cold turkey and end up shocking themselves and making things harder than they really are. Much like you are doing, setting limits and sticking to them is a much better way. Moderation of intake, increase in activity, and then decrease of intake. If the same with smoking, people who stop all together find it extremely hard. If you cut back to say 5 a day for a few weeks, then 3 a day, then none, it can be much easier for a lot of people. Smoking may be a bad example though because the adiction may be so strong that it might be easier to cold turkey it and then just grind out the withdraw. But things like ice coffee on the way to work aren't going to be overly critical if you include it in the original part of your plan. Eventually though, you'll want to work them out of the plan to, and use them as a reward. It will keep you motivated.

What Ive been doing for the past year is keeping under 1500 calories a day Monday-Friday (Aside from potential drinking on friday, I usually eat lighter that day) and saturday and sunday I let myself eat meals that are shitty for you but taste oh so good. and I am 22lbs lighter as of jan 1 2012 than I was jan 1 2011. (Its literally translating to about 2lbs a month.) I am absolutely fine with this and dont even feel like im dieting. I was worried at first that doing this would make me more likely to splurge during the week, but really, it mostly helps me stick with it, I don't feel deprived of the shit foods i love. I figure I can just continue doing this and eventually I will hit an equilibrium.

What I really need to do is start exercising. I just totally lack motivation. Its really stupid, because I spent 6 years in they army and I friggin know great exercise plans, its just, without someone forcing me to do it im like...meh.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
It's been almost a week, but I've given up on soda's and soft drinks. I did have a gatorade today but I was on the ice all day coaching, so it was essential to replace my electrolytes...(let it slide)?

I tried this about 5 months ago but I ended up drinking Brisk Ice tea's all day and "lemonade" that came out of the bar gun at my other job (essential sugar and water). So it really wasn't anything to write home about.

I only allow myself to drink my ice coffee I get from 711 on my way to work in the morning (it's my only bright spot) but after that it's strictly water, juice (the healthy version, not the sugar and fructose kind), and straight tea. More or less I've been sucking down water and tea. I can honestly say in the last 5 days I don't feel as bloated. My appetite has gone up, but that's from lack of calories I was consuming in soda. I've tried to eat a bit better, but that's next weeks ordeal.

If you really need something with taste to drink just drink diet pop, pepsi max/Coke zero etc, taste pretty damn close to regular (I like diet pop more, just because once it came out thats all my parents bought). That shit people say about diet pop still making you gain weight is utter bull. The only "science" behind it is they say the sweet flavoring may make you more likely to want to snack not that diet pop actually puts on weight.


CCS Donator
Oct 19, 2013
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Wish You Were Here
Speaking of healthy juice, I just bought a juicer to start making my own. Hasn't arrived yet so can't report on it, but I've been looking to get one for a long time.

I got a "Ninja" Food processor/blender about 3 months ago. It makes good smoothies, shakes and fu-fu adult beverages.


New member
May 14, 2010
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If you really need something with taste to drink just drink diet pop, pepsi max/Coke zero etc, taste pretty damn close to regular (I like diet pop more, just because once it came out thats all my parents bought). That shit people say about diet pop still making you gain weight is utter bull. The only "science" behind it is they say the sweet flavoring may make you more likely to want to snack not that diet pop actually puts on weight.

It's actually not utter bull. Now if you switch from regular pop to diet pop you will lose weight for awhile. But after awhile it loses it's effect and you'll slowly start gaining weight again. If it's only one pop a day that's no big deal, but if it's several it is. What happens is your body tastes the sweetness and expects calories from it and it doesn't get any so it triggers your mind to take in more calories. This is the case for artificial sweeteners.

Like you said, it's not the diet pop itself, per se, but you will eventually start putting on more weight from it. Honestly, you're better off not drinking the stuff all together. It's terrible for you regardless if it's regular or diet pop. I think I have 1 or 2 a month. I used to be a several a day drinker.


CCS Donator
May 14, 2010
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Plainfield, IL
It's actually not utter bull. Now if you switch from regular pop to diet pop you will lose weight for awhile. But after awhile it loses it's effect and you'll slowly start gaining weight again. If it's only one pop a day that's no big deal, but if it's several it is. What happens is your body tastes the sweetness and expects calories from it and it doesn't get any so it triggers your mind to take in more calories. This is the case for artificial sweeteners.

Like you said, it's not the diet pop itself, per se, but you will eventually start putting on more weight from it. Honestly, you're better off not drinking the stuff all together. It's terrible for you regardless if it's regular or diet pop. I think I have 1 or 2 a month. I used to be a several a day drinker.

Thats what I was saying (I believe I mentioned that). I am not arguing it may not drive you to consume more calories, what I am saying is the product itself as in its contents alone cannot make you fat, its essentially nothing but salt water and non-calorie artificial flavoring.
