See what you are doing? You've been trained that you can't know anything unless an authority figure approves it for you.
It's not like found one specific thing and it all added up. This took 4 years of questioning,looking,evaluating, thinking.
Until you learn to actually think for'll be in the dark for a while.
When you were born..over time, you were able to teach yourself an entire language, using no pencils, no paper..nothing but your incredible brain and senses....then, your first day in school...the dumb your ass down
Since that day, you've gotten dumber.....and dumber...and dumber.. everything you think and do us based on external've hardly had an independent thought since your childhood, when you were told to not think for yourself because we didn't approve of it (authority)
Have a nice day

See Dick run...
Baby Shark do do da do do do... same fucking thing
We are a nation of idiots