I know this is sacrilege to the Star Wars super fans, but 4, 5, and 6 were terrible movies. Chock full of bad acting, dialog and the rules kept changing, they are all kids movies.
I was 20 when #4 came out and loved it, no one had ever seen anything like it, just amazing. But as an adult I saw the flaws, i knew it was corny, and stupid but it was spectacular.
1, 2, and 3. Episode one was just as bad as 4, 5, & 6. Episode 3 is by far the best film in the series, not even close. It's the only one that is not a straight up kids movie.
Honestly look at 4-5-6 with a critical eye:
Obi-Wan gets cut in half and his corps vanishes leaving only his clothing, wtf? He was the only Jedi or Sith that had corps vanish power?
Hayden Christensen was terrible in 1-2-3 but the list of bad actors in 4-5-6 is endless. In fact Alec Guinness was the best actor in those but he phoned it in, thought the movie was stupid. He was right, can you imagine reading that god awful script with none of the amazing visuals or audio/music? Ford was the only actor that earned his paycheck. Did any one ever notice that none of the other actors ever did anything else? Yet Liam Neeson, Natalie Portman, Ewan McGregor, and Sam Jackson are actual A-list actors.
I know, you guys grew up on that stuff, it's like a first love, you can't explain it. You were never going to like 1-2-3 no matter what they were, then Jar Jar Binks came along and gave you an excuse to hate all three. Lets cal Jar Jar and the Ewoks a wash.
If an impartial person with no background on the cultural influences involved watched 1 through 6 here is what you would get.
3 (by far)