I am glad you didn't pm either. I think this may help folks.
The agent I work for is a huge dick when it comes to things. He's been doing it for 27 years, and he has seen things, and in my short time there, I have seen things too which cause you to become a dick. People take advantage of the good nature I have had, and therefore have had to curtail it. While I am not saying give that guy a break, I will say understand that people look at him as he himself is taking their house, and as such, abuse him. I can't blame them, and I understand it, but thing used to be different.
It's CFK(cash for keys), not kfcs. One gives you money, one give you high cholesterol. If you do go the CFK route, know the house will have to be clean, top to bottom. Nothing left inside. They call it broom clean or broom swept condition. Basically, all anyone would have to do after you leave is come in with a broom to clean it. Also, unless you have receipts to show you bought the appliances fairly recently, all of those have to stay.
I would also suggest if you do the cfk, DO NOT involve the lawyer. In my experience, the lawyers screw things up bad. Either they don't explain that the house has to be broom clean, or they tell their client to take the appliances or other things, which means you get no check, and I come the next day and change the locks. They also just take the first number offered. The CFK is negotiable. Why just get 700 bucks when you could possibly get 2 or 3 grand?
If you are ready to move on, that is cool. But you don't have to move if you aren't ready. Cook County is so backlogged with with evictions, as not only are there a lot, the Cook County sheriff Tom Dart stopped doing them for a year. That helped nothing. We are seeing evictions that should have taken place in 09 and 10. They have stepped it up as of late, but they have a while to go. Don't let the agent be too hard nosed. He can't evict shit. The sheriff does. They will post notices on the door, usually 2, at least a week before an eviction takes place. They will post up to 4 times before an eviction happens, SOMETIMES. Lately it has been 2 postings then the go in. Other times they will post once and not come back for 6 to 12 months.
Know that you will not know when exactly an eviction will take place. The agent won't know either. In Cook County, the sheriff calls us the day before and tell us to be at the subject property the next day between 8-12. Sheriffs, when either posting or going in to evict, will show up 4 to 8 officers deep. Cook likes to show force I guess. When they do go in, they sometimes knock once, announce they are sheriffs, then they bust the door down and go in with guns drawn. They will not move out personal property, but they will remove the occupant. Then the folks that lived there then have to coordinate a time to get their personal belongings. Usually they get a day, 8 hours, to move their stuff out.
Hope this helps, and ask any questions you have.