That's exactly what I mean. we have consistently seen evictions that are 2 to 3 years "late". Scheduled for 09 and 2010. Meaning, a mortgage payment hasn't been made for at least 4 to 5 years.
I NEVER am an asshole to the people I interact with at first. I don't know the their stories, and even if I did, it isn't my place to make em feel shitty or to judge. The people I don't care for are the ones that are gaming the system, I know you and your family isn't, and a good majority of the folks out there aren't. However, it is the ol stand by one bad apple thing. There was one lady that, once we posted, called and was crying, saying her husband died and left her with 4 kids, all under 10, massive bills, and so on. Our office went to work, trying to get her a big cfk check. The bank even sent contractors to fix some plumbing issues and install a new furnace for her. It turns out, she had moved out of there 2 years previous to us contacting her, and she was renting the house for 1500 buck a month to a Polish family that had no clue what was going on. she wasn't paying dime one to the bank or anyone else. She was taking advantage of these people. THOSE are the ones I tend to judge and trat bad. BTW, we got the Polish family out of there, they got the cfk check, and that lady didn't get shit. She called and yelled and threatened legal action (we even had one lady threaten to call Oprah), but we get those threats a lot, it means nothing to us, as we do thing legally.
If that guy comes back and wants to talk to someone, you can just flat out refuse. I wouldn't recommend that necessarily, as he is the only connection you all have to the bank, and is the only person who knows what's going on. If you called the bank you will be talking to someone who doesn't have the slightest clue about that property, let alone what a Vienna Beef hot dog is. The 30
Again, if you are gonna move out, I suggest asking about cfk. The worst thing that could happen is they say no. Either way, you will be moving, may as well see if money is available.
I am no expert, but that 30 day notice ain't jack shit. I have never given a 30 day notice, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. The only one that can evict anyone from a property is the sheriff, and they will post on the property first.