Some post game thoughts


CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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I mean floyd mostly went against the LT, which is one of the best in the league. I'm not surprised he didnt flash much, especially in the second half when rodgers legit got the ball out in 1-2 seconds every play.

Plus he only has 1 hand right now.


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Aug 24, 2012
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I was upset about the lack of anything from Floyd. I figured he'd be the biggest beneficiary of Mack on the team, but he may as well be on the sideline the entire game.

i did see he was blatantly held a bunch of times.. guess when it comes to calling holds on the packers the refs will only do it for a guy like Mack..


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Aug 20, 2012
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Lots of blame to go around. People saying Trubisky isn't the guy based on 1 performance are doorknobs. I never expected him to come out his first game and go toe to toe with Rodges in Lambeau. He looked lost at times, but also did some good things. Just needs more experience and time in the system. I still think he's capable of being a good QB, but I'm not going to make some knee jerk reaction based on one game.

did you expect him to drop three balls on the turf in prime time situations? must have more composure than that. Makes it look like sitting him out from the third preseason game look very foolish. the entire first team. Practice is practice and not practicing doesn't make you better. just doesn't. the cliche is practice makes perfect. not no practice makes perfect. Typical bear loss. no change in the way they lost, mostly all new staff, and boom, same kind of loss. No composure, no adjustment, and trying not to lose. must be a bear thing.


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Jan 9, 2014
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Harford County, MD
In no particular order:

Kwiatkoski is just a guy. Roquan needs to start next game and I hope I don't see Nick on anything but special teams the rest of the year. The guy is too slow to start.

Hicks, Mack and Howard are the three best players on this team by a mile.

Howard averaged 5.5 YPC this game.... he needed to hit at least 20 carries.

Some of you have been ruined by watching Favre and Rodgers kick the Bears ass for the last 25 years. Your expectations for QB play is through the roof. No team in the history of the NFL has had such good QB play for such a long time.

Trubisky..... some very bad. (that open TD to AR!!) And also more good than some of you will admit. I read people here saying he doesn't have "it". Well here's a news flash..... if your definition of "it" is Rodgers.... then maybe only 5-10 QBs in the entire history of the league have "it". The man is Jordanesque.... and Trubs sure as fuck isn't. (but that doesn't mean he can't or won't be a good QB for us for years to come) It's still too soon to say.

Where the fuck was Ant Mill and Burton? I certainly expected more than 3 catches combined for those two.

The lack of plays downfield..... someone help me out here. Was it: Bad play calling? Our receivers not getting open? Or Trubisky missing opportunities? I really didn't see guys get that open and that was VERY concerning to me.

Nagy.... Really hated the play calling second half. Really loved it the first half. This next game will be telling. Does the team bounce back? Are they fired up? Or does this loss crush them.

The Bears went toe to toe with a Super Bowl contender and almost won last night. I'm not calling this a moral victory or anything.... it's not. But the difference between the two teams doesn't feel as large as before.

The Bears have three very winnable games coming up before the bye week. Let's see how they respond.

And lastly.... thanks for the laughter last night.... some of you and your post game e-rage is pathetic. I'm glad I don't know you in real life but the LOL's you provide after a tough loss is priceless.

Very well said. Not a single point that I need to argue about.

Trubisky looked a little shell shocked at times, particularly in the second half. But, some of the things that points to me that he has the ability to run this offense well:
1. He felt the pressure and can escape
2. He can throw on the run - if he keeps his eye down field
3. He is quick
4. He delivered the short passes with very good accuracy (players can catch and still make a move)
5. He was in control of the Offense in the first half.
Things that concern me
1. The deep ball is still something he is not able to connect on.
2. He was too eager to pull the ball down and run
3. He missed some open recievers
4. The second half command of the offense was not very good.

I still look at the first half of this game and see what we can do. I was excited to see us compete and even put GB on their heels.

Two things stood out to me that I think could have been done better.

1. Rogers was on one leg, and we needed to be more aggressive with Blitz after Blitz. He was not going to escape and evade like he has done to us so many times before.
2. The play calling in the second half was too cute. Howard was getting serious chunks and on 3rd and 1 to possibly seal the game they went empty back field. This offense is supposed to be misdirection and RPO, so why not an PRO in that situation?


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Aug 14, 2010
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apparently Tribs missed alot of open receivers, but to me it was the same old bears getting out adjusted in the second half of a game. I guess they thought they had Kizer to deal with and thought it was a skate.

Post game, I really do not know why the bears were not called for a penalty when our DT fell with all his weight on Rodgers. That is the Andrew Luck rule, but Mitch got a few roughing calls on his end from the same crew.

Fuller missed the INT in his chest to ice the game, they did not run Howard on 3rd and 1, they never did anything with Leno out in the slot and just seemed to want to get Cohen and Gabriel the ball behind the line of scrimmage. Receivers did not get to the line to gain and our bear QB threw short.

As great as that first half was, was as bad as the second half was. Cant play the whole game trying to out think a team that is driving the ball down your throat.
You missed the biggest clusterfuck of them all.

The last TD had an injured Rodgers hobbling around while the Bear best pass rushers were both ... 15 yards downfield in coverage while their safeties were basically in the box.

Could Fangio have drawn up a worse defensive play call for the situation?


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Sep 9, 2012
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Lake Forest
* Sims had an awful game, not just drops, but bad routes, and on one of his catches on 3rd down he had an easy lane to get the 1st down but instead tried to juke and jive and got tackled 3 yards short of the marker. Get Brown and Brauneker in there.

* Defense needs to figure out what to do against quick passing attacks, Mack is real deal and competent offenses will be forced to get the ball out quick.

* Nagy got perhaps his first taste of "Division Game against HoF QB". 1 score lead is as good as a loss if a HOF QB gets the ball back with multiple minutes or timeouts. Decisions that are correct against the Raiders and Post-Manning Broncos offenses aren't correct against Rodgers hopped up on goofballs and viagra.

* Myself and many others perhaps got caught up in the excitement of the Mack acquisition, this offense is absolutely a work in progress. Last night was a huge pressure to put on Trubisky, and you shouldn't expect big results, but the offense as a whole (players and play callers) shat the bed. Bears are only going to win 4-5 games if they can only put up 16 points.

* Week 15 is the litmus test for that development, how does this team look VS GB at Soldier Field? Last night was a gut punch but if the Bears can get their footing, put some wins together, and beat the Pack in Week 15, that's a pretty nifty redemption arc that says a lot about how well the team has developed.


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Aug 31, 2012
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Quick thoughts: same as what a lot of people are saying

1. Kwiatkowski is slow in pass coverage. Packers were targeting him early. Roquan should be an improvement.
2. Sims sucks. Don't target him ever. 3rd and 1 - we design a play for him and he somehow runs a 0 yard route. Wish Shaheen wasn't hurt.
3. Mack is the real deal, what a beast
4. Defense got tired in the 2nd half. No pass rush and secondary leaving guys wide open the entire 2nd half. Fuller dropping INT. Fangio not adjusting.
5. Nagy getting too cute on 3rd and short. Don't fucking empty out the backfield on a 3rd and 1. At least try a play action, or better yet just pound Howard in there.
6. We abandon getting Cohen the ball in the 2nd half. What the fuck happened there.
7. Needed a big return on our last possession and we have Cunningham as kick returner. Put in Cohen for potential big play there.
8. Trubisky needs more time to get in sync with WR's. Would like to see more deep shots. But he didn't force dumb passes, and used feet to get gains on busted plays.
9. Parkey made all of his FG's, that was nice.
10. The loss was made worse by hearing Michaels and Collinsworth sucking Rodgers dick the entire game.


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Aug 21, 2012
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The State that is Ill...
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I have liked everything that Nagy has done up until last night. And now I am scared what to expect from him. He comes from the Andy Reid tree, which is BOTH good and bad. Good that his offense is creative and shouldn't (provided the second year qb doesn't look like a deer in headlights like he did last night) have a problem putting up points. But I also saw the ALARMING Andy Reid side from Nagy last night. Bad game management and horrific play calls in obviously situations. Wasn't Andy Reid known for doing the same thing? Passing the ball on short yardage situations over and over. Being afraid to run the ball. Isn't that what one of the things that he got criticized over and over in Philly?



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2012
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i think the most frustrating thing about last night's game was seeing a well called game in the 1st half and then seeing a turd in the 2nd half...While most of that can be attributed to nagy's pedestrian play calling in the 2nd half, trubisky still has a ways to go in terms of qb development...he doesnt look composed when the pocket starts collapsing and rarely seems to keep his eyes downfield.

JesusHalasChrist it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
May 18, 2014
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Smith was on the field for 8 out of 60 defensive snaps. It seems more likely to me that there are lingering health issues than they just don't realize he's better than Kwiatkoski.


Dissed membered
Aug 17, 2011
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Thread is pretty on song. Would have preferred Mitch calmer at the end but it's early. Disappointing when you are hoping he rises above that he wasn't even treading water. One game in a new O against a D change they weren't prepare for but still.:mad:


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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Also forgot to add that Whitehair's snaps still suck. Learn how to fucking snap the ball. Too many high hard snaps, and it was screwing up the timing of the plays. Especially the short screens and quick passes.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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Smith was on the field for 8 out of 60 defensive snaps. It seems more likely to me that there are lingering health issues than they just don't realize he's better than Kwiatkoski.

Im pretty sure he is healthy.

He has practiced VERY little. Thats the issue. They dont want him reinjured in week one and have him miss 8 weeks.

Once he is in, that will give us the answer to all those shitty stupid short throws to avoid our pass rush.


Save America
Aug 20, 2012
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Moral victory? Where is that counted in the W/L column?


CCS Hall of Fame
CCS Hall of Fame '19
Dec 12, 2011
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There are a couple of issues that can cause a lack of downfield passing.

Trubisky was obviously a mess and was not going through his progressions and seemed scared to really send the ball downfield.

But as a playcaller you can get the QB over that. You run all verticals and his options are get over it and throw the ball of get sacked. You take the thinking part out of it and force him to just throw.

Chris Sojka

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Aug 25, 2012
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No adjustments were made by Green Bay...

we thought we could squeeze out first downs with screens and 1 yard passes on 3rd down.... thats almost spoonfeeding that shitty defense exactly what they needed us to do on 3rd and short.

You don't take any shots down field for fear of throwing INTs? ok so then you're running the ball... not quite? how bout 3rd and short? nope.... too fancy and it was the wrong time to experiment with offense.... You had a 20 point lead at half....


Nail Polish

CCS Donator
Aug 20, 2012
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The lack of even downfield attempts was shocking to me. Throw a couple just to show them you would.

I went back and watched the first half..There were exactly 2 throws down the center of the field...Most of what I remember from the 2nd half were outside throws


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Dec 30, 2014
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The DEFENSE was probably the worst part in the second half. Zero sacks, zero QB pressures. Rodgers on "one leg" went untouched and scored at will. Inexcusable.

Mack is a fucking monstar but I'm going to pump the brakes on our potentially "great" defense for a second. Mack's two biggest plays (fumble/pick 6) happened when Kizer was in the game. We feasted on that scrub but lost our appetite once Rodgers returned to the field. Not ideal especially when we seemed to give Rodgers fits in the early going.

Also, the WR's from GB seem to have 30 yards of space every time they caught the ball? Like many have said, Kwit/Prince got beat several times. IIRC even Trevathan got badly beat on a big play. Fuller missed a game saving INT that fell into his lap. Our pass defense fell apart. Fangio has some explaining to do.
